path: root/bubbob/ext7
diff options
authorDiego Roversi <>2019-09-08 18:12:27 +0200
committerDiego Roversi <>2019-09-08 18:12:27 +0200
commit1d9925c287b318ec21343e2682b51ab6a36ae8db (patch)
tree17d1c0ac21eea6f291146520afa8381db4586fb4 /bubbob/ext7
initial commit from cvs 1.6.2
Diffstat (limited to 'bubbob/ext7')
-rw-r--r--bubbob/ext7/fire.wavbin0 -> 3352 bytes
-rw-r--r--bubbob/ext7/hit.wavbin0 -> 3352 bytes
-rw-r--r--bubbob/ext7/image1-0.ppmbin0 -> 93365 bytes
-rw-r--r--bubbob/ext7/music.wavbin0 -> 379900 bytes
6 files changed, 401 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bubbob/ext7/.cvsignore b/bubbob/ext7/.cvsignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..553d0ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bubbob/ext7/.cvsignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/bubbob/ext7/ b/bubbob/ext7/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d157ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bubbob/ext7/
@@ -0,0 +1,399 @@
+from __future__ import generators
+import os, random, math
+import images, gamesrv
+from images import ActiveSprite
+import boards
+from boards import CELL
+from player import Dragon, BubPlayer, scoreboard
+from bubbles import Bubble
+from bonuses import Bonus
+from mnstrmap import PlayerBubbles
+from mnstrmap import Monky
+import bonuses
+from ext6 import snd_crash
+LocalDir = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(__file__))
+for i in range(ANGLE_COUNT):
+ a = i*ANGLE_STEP*math.pi/180.0
+ ANGLE_TABLE[i*ANGLE_STEP] = (math.cos(a), math.sin(a))
+localmap = {}
+for i in range(ANGLE_COUNT):
+ localmap['camel', i] = ('image1-%d.ppm', (0, i*36, 36, 36))
+music = gamesrv.getmusic(os.path.join(LocalDir, 'music.wav'))
+snd_fire = gamesrv.getsample(os.path.join(LocalDir, 'fire.wav'))
+snd_hit = gamesrv.getsample(os.path.join(LocalDir, 'hit.wav'))
+class Plane(ActiveSprite):
+ lock = None
+ def __init__(self, camel, bubber, dcap, x, y, dirhint=None):
+ self.bubber = bubber
+ self.dcap = dcap
+ self.camel = camel
+ self.shotlist = camel.score.setdefault(bubber, {})
+ if x < x_min:
+ x = x_min
+ elif x > x_max:
+ x = x_max
+ if y < 4*CELL:
+ y = 4*CELL
+ elif y > (curboard.height-4)*CELL - 36:
+ y = (curboard.height-4)*CELL - 36
+ if dirhint not in (1, -1):
+ controldelay = 5
+ if x < boards.bwidth//2:
+ dir = 1
+ else:
+ dir = -1
+ else:
+ controldelay = 20
+ if x < boards.bwidth//3:
+ dir = 1
+ elif x >= boards.bwidth*2//3:
+ dir = -1
+ else:
+ dir = dirhint
+ if dir > 0:
+ self.angle = 0
+ self.flipped = False
+ else:
+ self.angle = 180
+ self.flipped = True
+ ActiveSprite.__init__(self, self.getico(), x, y)
+ self.fx = self.x
+ self.fy = self.y
+ self.controlgen = self.control(delay=controldelay)
+ self.gen.append(
+ self.gen.append(self.controlgen)
+ self.gen.append(self.blink())
+ self.gen.append(self.bob())
+ def controlled(self):
+ return self.controlgen in self.gen
+ def getico(self):
+ a = self.angle // ANGLE_STEP
+ if self.flipped:
+ if a:
+ key = 'vflip', ('camel', a,
+ else:
+ key = 'camel', a,
+ return images.sprget(key)
+ def blink(self):
+ for i in range(10):
+ yield None
+ yield None
+ self.setdisplaypos(-256, -256)
+ yield None
+ self.setdisplaypos(-256, -256)
+ yield None
+ self.touchable = 1
+ def bob(self):
+ f = 3.0
+ for i in range(0, 1080, ANGLE_STEP):
+ self.fy += f * ANGLE_TABLE[i % 360][1]
+ f *= 0.98
+ yield None
+## def loosealtitude(self, y0, angle0):
+## if 90 <= angle0 < 270 or (angle0 == 270 and not self.flipped):
+## angledir = -1
+## else:
+## angledir = 1
+## for i in range(0, 180, ANGLE_STEP):
+## if i % (4*ANGLE_STEP) == 0 and not (45 <= angle0 <= 135):
+## angle0 += ANGLE_STEP * angledir
+## angle0 = (angle0 + 360) % 360
+## y0 += 4.0 * ANGLE_TABLE[i][1]
+## if y0 > self.fy:
+## self.fy = y0
+## self.angle = angle0
+## yield None
+ def turn(self, dir):
+ self.angle += ANGLE_STEP * dir
+ self.angle = (self.angle + 360) % 360
+ def control(self, delay=0):
+ bubber = self.bubber
+ prev_key_jump = 0
+ for i in range(delay):
+ yield None
+ shootdelay = 0
+ while True:
+ wannago = bubber.wannago(self.dcap)
+ self.turn(wannago)
+ if shootdelay:
+ shootdelay -= 1
+ elif bubber.key_fire:
+ x = self.x + self.ico.w//2
+ y = self.y + self.ico.h//2
+ acos, asin = ANGLE_TABLE[self.angle]
+ x += acos * 20
+ y += asin * 20
+ if self.flipped:
+ acos = -acos
+ asin = -asin
+ x -= asin * 5
+ y += acos * 5
+ Shot(self, int(x), int(y), self.angle, 2)
+ Shot(self, int(x), int(y), self.angle)
+ shootdelay = 7
+ for i in range(2):
+ if bubber.key_jump > prev_key_jump:
+ self.flipped = not self.flipped
+ prev_key_jump = bubber.key_jump
+ yield None
+ for s in self.touching(12):
+ if isinstance(s, Plane) and s is not self:
+ ico = images.sprget(Monky.decay_weapon[1])
+ s1 = ActiveSprite(ico,
+ (self.x+s.x)//2 + self.ico.w//2 - CELL,
+ (self.y+s.y)//2 + self.ico.h//2 - CELL)
+ s1.gen.append(s1.die(Monky.decay_weapon[1:], 4))
+ self.gen = [self.godowninflames(s)]
+ s.gen = [s.godowninflames(self)]
+ def fly(self, speed=3.3):
+ while True:
+ if (self.y < 0 and not (0 < self.angle < 180) and
+ ((abs(270 - self.angle) < -4*self.y) or random.random() < 0.2)):
+ if (90 <= self.angle < 270 or
+ (self.angle == 270 and not self.flipped)):
+ self.turn(-1)
+ else:
+ self.turn(1)
+ ico = self.getico()
+ acos, asin = ANGLE_TABLE[self.angle]
+ self.fx += acos * speed
+ self.fy += asin * speed
+ self.move(int(self.fx), int(self.fy), ico)
+ if self.x < x_min:
+ self.angle = 2 * ANGLE_STEP
+ self.flipped = not self.flipped
+ self.gen = [self.godowninflames()]
+ elif self.x > x_max:
+ self.angle = 180 - 2 * ANGLE_STEP
+ self.flipped = not self.flipped
+ self.gen = [self.godowninflames()]
+ elif self.y > y_max:
+ self.gen = [self.crashed()]
+ yield None
+ def godowninflames(self, hit_by_plane=None):
+ if hit_by_plane and hit_by_plane in self.shotlist:
+ hittime = self.shotlist[hit_by_plane]
+ if BubPlayer.FrameCounter < hittime + 60:
+ del self.shotlist[hit_by_plane]
+ scoreboard()
+ self.seticon(self.getico())
+ self.gen.append(
+ trail = [(self.x, self.y)] * 7
+ ico = images.sprget(PlayerBubbles.explosion[0])
+ s = ActiveSprite(ico, self.x + self.ico.w//2 - CELL,
+ self.y + self.ico.h//2 - CELL)
+ s.gen.append(s.die(PlayerBubbles.explosion))
+ self.bubber.emotic(self, 4)
+ while True:
+ yield None
+ if random.random() < 0.37:
+ ico = images.sprget(Bubble.exploding_bubbles[0])
+ x, y = random.choice(trail)
+ x += random.randint(-10, 10)
+ y += random.randint(-10, 10)
+ s = ActiveSprite(ico, x+2, y+2)
+ s.gen.append(s.die(Bubble.exploding_bubbles))
+ if random.random() < 0.5:
+ yield None
+ if 90 <= self.angle < 270:
+ lst = [0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1]
+ else:
+ lst = [0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1]
+ self.turn(random.choice(lst))
+ trail.pop(0)
+ trail.append((self.x, self.y))
+ def crashed(self):
+ self.untouchable()
+ ico = images.sprget(Monky.decay_weapon[1])
+ self.seticon(ico)
+ self.step(self.ico.w//2 - CELL,
+ self.ico.h//2 - CELL)
+ self.gen.append(self.die(Monky.decay_weapon[1:], 4))
+ yield None
+ def kill(self):
+ try:
+ self.bubber.dragons.remove(self)
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ ActiveSprite.kill(self)
+class Shot(ActiveSprite):
+ def __init__(self, plane, x, y, angle, steps=0):
+ ico = images.sprcharacterget('.')
+ ActiveSprite.__init__(self, ico, x-4, y-12)
+ self.plane = plane
+ self.angle = angle
+ self.gen.append(self.moving(steps))
+ def moving(self, steps=0):
+ minx = 2*CELL - 4
+ maxx = (curboard.width-2)*CELL - 4
+ maxy = (curboard.height-1)*CELL - 12
+ fx = self.x
+ fy = self.y
+ dx, dy = ANGLE_TABLE[self.angle]
+ dx *= 7.6
+ dy *= 7.6
+ fx += dx * steps
+ fy += dy * steps
+ for i in range(22-steps):
+ for s in images.touching(self.x+3, self.y+11, 2, 2):
+ if isinstance(s, Plane) and s is not self.plane:
+ self.kill()
+ if s.controlled():
+ s.gen = [s.godowninflames(self.plane)]
+ self.plane.shotlist[s] = BubPlayer.FrameCounter
+ bonuses.points(self.x + 4 - CELL, self.y + 12 - CELL,
+ self.plane, 100)
+ return
+ fx += dx
+ fy += dy
+ self.move(int(fx), int(fy))
+ if self.x < minx or self.x > maxx or self.y > maxy:
+ break
+ yield None
+ self.kill()
+class Camel:
+ def bgen(self, limittime = 90.1): # 1:30
+ self.score = {}
+ for t in boards.initsubgame(music, self.displaypoints):
+ yield t
+ tc = boards.TimeCounter(limittime)
+ for t in self.frame(tc):
+ t = boards.normal_frame()
+ self.build_planes()
+ yield t
+ tc.update(t)
+ if (BubPlayer.FrameCounter & 15) == 7:
+ for s in images.ActiveSprites:
+ if isinstance(s, Bubble):
+ s.pop()
+ elif isinstance(s, Bonus):
+ s.kill()
+ tc.restore()
+ score = {}
+ for player, shotlist in self.score.items():
+ score[player] = len(shotlist)
+ for t in boards.result_ranking(score):
+ for p in BubPlayer.PlayerList:
+ for d in p.dragons[:]:
+ d.kill()
+ yield t
+ self.remove_planes()
+ def displaypoints(self, bubber):
+ return len(self.score.get(bubber, ()))
+ def build_planes(self):
+ for p in BubPlayer.PlayerList:
+ dragons = [d for d in p.dragons if not isinstance(d, Plane)]
+ if dragons and len(p.dragons) == len(dragons):
+ dragon = random.choice(dragons)
+ if dragon.dcap['infinite_shield']:
+ start_position = self.select_start_position()
+ dirhint = None
+ else:
+ start_position = dragon.x-2, dragon.y-2
+ dirhint = getattr(dragon, 'dir', None)
+ plane = Plane(self, p, dragon.dcap,
+ start_position[0], start_position[1], dirhint)
+ p.dragons.append(plane)
+ p.emotic(plane, 4)
+ for d in dragons:
+ d.kill()
+ def remove_planes(self):
+ for p in BubPlayer.PlayerList:
+ for d in p.dragons[:]:
+ d.kill()
+ def select_start_position(self):
+ planes = [d for p in BubPlayer.PlayerList
+ for d in p.dragons
+ if isinstance(d, Plane)]
+ distmin = 180
+ while True:
+ x = random.choice([x_min, x_max])
+ y = random.randint(2*CELL, (curboard.height-4)*CELL - 36)
+ for d in planes:
+ dist = (x-d.x)*(x-d.x) + (y-d.y)*(y-d.y)
+ if dist < distmin*distmin:
+ break
+ else:
+ return x, y
+ distmin = int(distmin * 0.94)
+ def frame(self, tc):
+ y = curboard.height-1
+ for x in range(2, curboard.width-2):
+ if (y, x) not in curboard.walls_by_pos:
+ curboard.putwall(x, y)
+ curboard.reorder_walls()
+ for y in range(0, curboard.height-1):
+ yield None
+ for x in range(2, curboard.width-2):
+ if (y, x) in curboard.walls_by_pos:
+ curboard.killwall(x, y)
+ while tc.time != 0.0:
+ yield None
+# This game is suitable for at least min_players players
+min_players = 2
+def run():
+ global curboard, x_min, x_max, y_max
+ from boards import curboard
+ x_min = 2*CELL - 3
+ x_max = (curboard.width-2)*CELL - 36 + 3
+ y_max = (curboard.height-1)*CELL - 36 + 7
+ boards.replace_boardgen(Camel().bgen())
+def setup():
+ for key, (filename, rect) in localmap.items():
+ filename = os.path.join(LocalDir, filename)
+ if filename.find('%d') >= 0:
+ for p in BubPlayer.PlayerList:
+ images.sprmap[key + (,)] = (filename %, rect)
+ else:
+ images.sprmap[key] = (filename, rect)
diff --git a/bubbob/ext7/fire.wav b/bubbob/ext7/fire.wav
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8531a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bubbob/ext7/fire.wav
Binary files differ
diff --git a/bubbob/ext7/hit.wav b/bubbob/ext7/hit.wav
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36d497a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bubbob/ext7/hit.wav
Binary files differ
diff --git a/bubbob/ext7/image1-0.ppm b/bubbob/ext7/image1-0.ppm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2df7b9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bubbob/ext7/image1-0.ppm
Binary files differ
diff --git a/bubbob/ext7/music.wav b/bubbob/ext7/music.wav
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b45f018
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bubbob/ext7/music.wav
Binary files differ