diff options
authorDiego Roversi <>2019-09-15 16:38:07 +0200
committerDiego Roversi <>2019-09-15 16:38:07 +0200
commit27342a12e0f75fdb692186f6efdb3c4ed8fed09d (patch)
parent799227d88f4110beaf61908d8f76e06de81a5648 (diff)
renamed rnglevel in for convenience
1 files changed, 1282 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bubbob/levels/ b/bubbob/levels/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a3186b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bubbob/levels/
@@ -0,0 +1,1282 @@
+from random import *
+from math import *
+import boarddef
+from boarddef import LNasty, LMonky, LGhosty, LFlappy
+from boarddef import LSpringy, LOrcy, LGramy, LBlitzy
+from boarddef import RNasty, RMonky, RGhosty, RFlappy
+from boarddef import RSpringy, ROrcy, RGramy, RBlitzy
+def cmp(a, b):
+ return (a > b) - (a < b)
+def flat(mean,var):
+ return randrange(mean-var,mean+var+1)
+def dice(n,sides,orig=1):
+ result = 0
+ for i in range(n):
+ result += orig+randrange(sides)
+ return result
+def fish(mu):
+ def fact(n):
+ r = 1.
+ for i in range(1,n+1):
+ r *= i
+ return r
+ scale = fact(0)/exp(-mu)
+ dens = []
+ while 1:
+ x = len(dens)
+ dens.append(int(scale*exp(-mu)*pow(mu,x)/fact(x)+0.5))
+ if x > mu and dens[-1] == 0:
+ break
+ table = []
+ x = 0
+ for d in dens:
+ for i in range(d):
+ table.append(x)
+ x += 1
+ return choice(table)
+class RandomLevel(boarddef.Level):
+ WIDTH = 32
+ HEIGHT = 28
+ MAXTRY = 1000
+ # parameters of the 'mess generator'
+ # mess_prob : the probability that a cell turn into a wall
+ def __init__(self,num):
+ if hasattr(self.__class__, 'walls'):
+ #print 'Reusing previously generated level'
+ #print self.__class__.walls
+ self.walls = self.__class__.walls
+ boarddef.Level.__init__(self,num)
+ return
+ #print 'Generating a new level'
+ self.reset(fill=False)
+ self.windmap = [ [' ' for x in range(self.WIDTH)] for y in range(self.HEIGHT) ]
+ if hasattr(self, 'auto'):
+ self.generate()
+ self.do_bonuses()
+ for gw in self.genwalls:
+ gw[0](self,*gw[1:])
+ if hasattr(self, 'mlist'):
+ self.do_monsters()
+ self.dig_vertical_walls()
+ self.do_walls()
+ self.walls = self.__class__.walls
+ #print self.walls
+ self.do_winds()
+ self.winds = self.__class__.winds
+ boarddef.Level.__init__(self,num)
+ def reset(self, fill=False):
+ if fill:
+ w = '#'
+ f = 0
+ else:
+ w = ' '
+ f = 1
+ # map for the walls
+ self.wmap = [ [w for x in range(self.WIDTH)] for y in range(self.HEIGHT) ]
+ # map of the free cells
+ self.fmap = [ [f for x in range(self.WIDTH)] for y in range(self.HEIGHT) ]
+ def setw(self,x,y,c='#'):
+ if x > self.WIDTH-1 or x < 0 or y > self.HEIGHT-1 or y < 0:
+ return
+ if self.fmap[y][x]:
+ self.wmap[y][x] = c
+ self.fmap[y][x] = 0
+ def getw(self,x,y):
+ if x > self.WIDTH-1 or x < 0 or y > self.HEIGHT-1 or y < 0:
+ return '#'
+ return self.wmap[y][x]
+ def clrw(self,x,y):
+ if x > self.WIDTH-1 or x < 0 or y > self.HEIGHT-1 or y < 0:
+ return
+ self.wmap[y][x] = ' '
+ self.fmap[y][x] = 1
+ def lockw(self,x,y,c=0):
+ if x > self.WIDTH-1 or x < 0 or y > self.HEIGHT-1 or y < 0:
+ return
+ self.fmap[y][x] = c
+ def setwind(self,x,y,c=' '):
+ if x > self.WIDTH-1 or x < 0 or y > self.HEIGHT-1 or y < 0:
+ return
+ self.windmap[y][x] = c
+ def getwind(self,x,y):
+ if x > self.WIDTH-1 or x < 0 or y > self.HEIGHT-1 or y < 0:
+ return ' '
+ return self.windmap[y][x]
+ def wind_rect(self,x,y,w,h,ccw=0):
+ "Set a wind in a rectangle which will move the bubbles cw or ccw"
+ if w < 1 or h < 1:
+ return
+ if ccw == 1:
+ for dx in range(w):
+ self.setwind(x+dx+1, y, '<')
+ self.setwind(x+dx, y+h, '>')
+ for dy in range(h):
+ self.setwind(x, y+dy, 'v')
+ self.setwind(x+w, y+dy+1, '^')
+ else:
+ for dx in range(w):
+ self.setwind(x+dx, y, '>')
+ self.setwind(x+dx+1, y+h, '<')
+ for dy in range(h):
+ self.setwind(x, y+dy+1, '^')
+ self.setwind(x+w, y+dy, 'v')
+ def mirror(self):
+ "Mirror the level vertically."
+ for y in range(self.HEIGHT):
+ for x in range(self.WIDTH//2):
+ self.wmap[y][x] = self.wmap[y][self.WIDTH-x-1]
+ def dig_well_until_space(self, x=1, yadj=1):
+ "Digs a well either up or down and stops when it encounters first empty wall space."
+ if yadj == 1:
+ y = 0
+ else:
+ yadj = -1
+ y = self.HEIGHT-1
+ while (y < self.HEIGHT) and (y >= 0):
+ self.clrw(x,y)
+ self.clrw(x+1,y)
+ y += yadj
+ if ((self.getw(x,y) == ' ') and (self.getw(x+1,y) == ' ')):
+ break
+ def enlarge_tiny_holes(self):
+ "Makes one-block size holes wider."
+ for x in range(self.WIDTH):
+ for y in range(self.HEIGHT):
+ if self.wmap[y][x] == ' ':
+ single = 0
+ for dx in range(x-1,x+2):
+ for dy in range(y-1,y+2):
+ if self.getw(dy,dx) == '#':
+ single = single + 1
+ if single == 8:
+ if x > (self.WIDTH // 2):
+ self.clrw(x-1,y)
+ else:
+ self.clrw(x+1,y)
+ def make_space(self, gens=-1):
+ "Removes walls from a level, to make it more playable."
+ if gens == -1:
+ gens = randint(0,62)+1
+ if gens & 1: # top
+ for x in range(self.WIDTH):
+ self.clrw(x,1)
+ if random() < 0.5:
+ self.clrw(x,2)
+ if gens & 2: # bottom
+ for x in range(self.WIDTH):
+ self.clrw(x,self.HEIGHT-1)
+ if random() < 0.5:
+ self.clrw(x,self.HEIGHT-2)
+ if gens & 4: # middle
+ y = randint(0,self.HEIGHT//10) + (self.HEIGHT//2)
+ for x in range(self.WIDTH):
+ self.clrw(x,y)
+ if random() < 0.5:
+ self.clrw(x,y-1)
+ if random() < 0.5:
+ self.clrw(x,y+1)
+ if gens & 8: # left
+ x = randint(0,self.WIDTH//4)
+ self.dig_well_until_space(x, 1)
+ self.dig_well_until_space(x, -1)
+ if gens & 16: # right
+ x = randint(0,self.WIDTH//4)
+ self.dig_well_until_space(self.WIDTH-x-2, 1)
+ self.dig_well_until_space(self.WIDTH-x-2, -1)
+ if gens & 32: # center
+ self.dig_well_until_space(self.WIDTH//2, 1)
+ self.dig_well_until_space(self.WIDTH//2, -1)
+ def generate_wind1(self, rndchoice=1, choices=[' ',' ',' ','x','>','<','^','^','v'], xsize=-1,ysize=-1):
+ """Makes a random wind pattern. Parameters:
+ 0: if 1=randomly select from choices, else select in order
+ 1: a list of the choices that are allowed.
+ 2: horizontal size of wind blocks
+ 3: vertical size of wind blocks
+ """
+ choicenum = 0
+ if xsize == -1:
+ xsize = randint(1, self.WIDTH)
+ if ysize == -1:
+ ysize = randint(1, self.HEIGHT)
+ if xsize < 1:
+ xsize = 1
+ elif xsize > self.WIDTH:
+ xsize = self.WIDTH
+ if ysize < 1:
+ ysize = 1
+ elif ysize > self.HEIGHT:
+ ysize = self.HEIGHT
+ for x in range((self.WIDTH//xsize)+1):
+ for y in range((self.HEIGHT//ysize)+1):
+ if rndchoice == 1:
+ wdir = choice(choices)
+ else:
+ wdir = choices[choicenum]
+ choicenum = (choicenum + 1) % len(choices)
+ for dx in range(xsize+1):
+ for dy in range(ysize+1):
+ self.setwind(x*xsize+dx,y*ysize+dy,wdir)
+ # make sure that the special bubbles can come into screen
+ for x in range(self.WIDTH):
+ self.setwind(x, 0, ' ')
+ self.setwind(x, self.HEIGHT-1, ' ')
+ def wind_sidewalls(self):
+ """Make sure the left and side walls have updraft next to them
+ """
+ for y in range(self.HEIGHT):
+ self.setwind(0,y,'^')
+ self.setwind(self.WIDTH-1,y,'^')
+ def wind_wallblocking(self, winddirs):
+ """Sets up wind depending on the number of walls around each place.
+ winddirs is an array of 16 wind chars.
+ directions with walls count as: 1=N, 2=E, 4=S, 8=W
+ 16th place is used if there is wall at the position.
+ """
+ for x in range(self.WIDTH):
+ for y in range(self.HEIGHT):
+ walld = 0
+ if self.getw(x,y) == '#':
+ walld = 16
+ else:
+ if self.getw(x,y-1) == '#':
+ walld = walld + 1
+ if self.getw(x+1,y) == '#':
+ walld = walld + 2
+ if self.getw(x,y+1) == '#':
+ walld = walld + 4
+ if self.getw(x-1,y) == '#':
+ walld = walld + 8
+ wnd = winddirs[walld]
+ self.setwind(x,y,wnd)
+ def wind_wallblocking256(self, winddirs):
+ """Sets up wind depending on the number of walls around each position.
+ winddirs is an array of 257 wind chars (one of ' x<>^v-'), where '-' means
+ to use '>' or '<', pointing towards center of level.
+ directions with walls count as: 1=N, 2=NE, 4=E, 8=SE, 16=S, 32=SW, 64=W, 128=NW
+ 257th place is use if there is wall at the position.
+ """
+ mdirs = [(0, -1), (1, -1), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1), (-1, 1), (-1, 0), (-1, -1)]
+ for x in range(self.WIDTH):
+ for y in range(self.HEIGHT):
+ windd = 0
+ if self.getw(x,y) == '#':
+ windd = 256
+ else:
+ for d in range(8):
+ dx = x + mdirs[d][0]
+ dy = y + mdirs[d][1]
+ if self.getw(dx, dy) == '#':
+ windd = (1 << d)
+ wd = choice(winddirs[windd])
+ if wd == '-':
+ if x < self.WIDTH // 2:
+ wd = '>'
+ else:
+ wd = '<'
+ self.setwind(x,y, wd)
+ def generate_wind(self, gens = -1):
+ """Chooses one of the wind pattern generators and uses that to generate the winds.
+ 0: choose what generator to use.
+ """
+ if gens == -1:
+ gens = choice([1,1,2,3,4,4,4,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19])
+ if gens == 1: # totally random pattern
+ self.generate_wind1()
+ elif gens == 2: # wind "layers"
+ self.generate_wind1(0, ['x','^','^','^'],self.WIDTH,1)
+ self.wind_sidewalls()
+ elif gens == 3: # "wiggly" winds
+ self.generate_wind1(1, ['^','<','^','>'],1,1)
+ self.wind_sidewalls()
+ elif gens == 4: # "normal" wind pattern
+ self.wind_sidewalls()
+ dx = (self.WIDTH//2)
+ if random() < 0.7:
+ dy = 1 # usual height where bubbles collect
+ else:
+ dy = randint(1, self.HEIGHT-1)
+ for x in range(dx-3, dx+3):
+ self.setwind(x,dy,'x')
+ for x in range(dx-2):
+ self.setwind(x,dy,'>')
+ self.setwind(self.WIDTH-x-1,dy,'<')
+ elif gens == 5: # bubbles are stopped by horizontal walls
+ self.wind_sidewalls()
+ for x in range(self.WIDTH):
+ for y in range(self.HEIGHT-2):
+ if self.getw(x,y) == '#':
+ if self.getw(x,y+1) == ' ':
+ self.setwind(x,y+1,'x')
+ elif gens == 6: # bubbles move next the walls, rotating cw or ccw
+ if random() < 0.5: #clockwise
+ winddirs = [' ','>','v','v','<',' ','<','<','^','>',' ','v','^','>','^','x','x']
+ else:
+ winddirs = [' ','<','^','<','>',' ','^','<','v','v',' ','v','>','>','^','x','x']
+ self.wind_wallblocking(winddirs)
+ elif gens == 7: # bubbles move up in column(s) that zig-zag left and right
+ wid = choice([self.WIDTH, randint(2, self.WIDTH), randint(2, self.WIDTH)])
+ xofs = (self.WIDTH % wid) // 2
+ ofs = choice([0,1])
+ for dx in range(0, self.WIDTH-wid+1, wid):
+ for x in range(wid):
+ for y in range(self.HEIGHT):
+ if (y+ofs) & 1:
+ self.setwind(x+dx+xofs,y,'<')
+ if x == 0:
+ self.setwind(x+dx+xofs,y,'^')
+ else:
+ self.setwind(x+dx+xofs,y,'>')
+ if x == wid-1:
+ self.setwind(x+dx+xofs,y,'^')
+ elif gens == 8: # bubbles move towards the map centerline at random height
+ for x in range(self.WIDTH):
+ y = randint(1, self.HEIGHT-1)
+ if x < (self.WIDTH//2):
+ self.setwind(x,y,'>')
+ else:
+ self.setwind(x,y,'<')
+ self.setwind(x,0,'v')
+ self.setwind(x,self.HEIGHT-1,'^')
+ for y in range(self.HEIGHT):
+ self.setwind(self.WIDTH//2,y,'x')
+ elif gens == 9: # bubbles move towards the side walls at random height
+ for x in range(self.WIDTH):
+ y = randint(1, self.HEIGHT-1)
+ if y & 1:
+ self.setwind(x,y,'>')
+ else:
+ self.setwind(x,y,'<')
+ self.setwind(x,0,'v')
+ self.setwind(x,self.HEIGHT-1,'^')
+ for y in range(self.HEIGHT):
+ self.setwind(0,y,'x')
+ self.setwind(self.WIDTH-1,y,'x')
+ elif gens == 10: # bubbles move up-down
+ ofs = choice([0,1])
+ dir_l = choice(['>', '>', '<'])
+ dir_r = choice(['<', '<', '>'])
+ for x in range(self.WIDTH):
+ if x < (self.WIDTH // 2):
+ self.setwind(x, 0, dir_r)
+ self.setwind(x,self.HEIGHT-1,dir_l)
+ else:
+ self.setwind(x, 0, dir_l)
+ self.setwind(x,self.HEIGHT-1,dir_r)
+ for x in range(self.WIDTH):
+ for y in range(self.HEIGHT):
+ if (x+ofs) & 1:
+ self.setwind(x,y+1,'^')
+ else:
+ self.setwind(x,y-1,'v')
+ elif gens == 11: # bubbles rotate
+ self.wind_sidewalls()
+ for z in range(20):
+ wid = randint(2,self.WIDTH//2)
+ hei = randint(2,self.HEIGHT//2)
+ y = randint(1, self.HEIGHT - hei - 1)
+ x = randint(1, self.WIDTH - wid - 1)
+ ok = 1
+ for dx in range(wid):
+ if self.getwind(x+dx+1, y) != ' ':
+ ok = 0
+ if self.getwind(x+dx, y+hei) != ' ':
+ ok = 0
+ for dy in range(hei):
+ if self.getwind(x, y+dy) != ' ':
+ ok = 0
+ if self.getwind(x+wid, y+dy+1) != ' ':
+ ok = 0
+ if ok == 1:
+ self.wind_rect(x,y,wid,hei, random() < 0.5)
+ elif gens == 12: # bubbles gravitate towards a certain spot
+ dx = randint(1,self.WIDTH-1)
+ dy = randint(1,self.HEIGHT-1)
+ for x in range(self.WIDTH):
+ for y in range(self.HEIGHT):
+ ax = abs(dx - x)
+ ay = abs(dy - y)
+ sx = cmp(dx - x, 0)
+ sy = cmp(dy - y, 0)
+ winds = [' ',' ',' ']
+ if ax < 2 and ay < 2:
+ winds = ['x']
+ else:
+ if sx < 0:
+ winds += ['<']
+ elif sx > 0:
+ winds += ['>']
+ else:
+ if sy > 0:
+ winds = ['v']
+ elif sy < 0:
+ winds = ['^']
+ else:
+ winds = ['x']
+ if sy < 0:
+ winds += ['^']
+ elif sy > 0:
+ winds += ['v']
+ else:
+ if sx > 0:
+ winds = ['>']
+ elif sx < 0:
+ winds = ['<']
+ else:
+ winds = ['x']
+ self.setwind(x,y,choice(winds))
+ elif gens == 13: # bubbles stop at some random positions
+ self.generate_wind1(1, [' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','x'],1,1)
+ self.wind_sidewalls()
+ elif gens == 14: # bubbles move cw and ccw in alternating rectangles
+ m = max(self.WIDTH // 2, self.HEIGHT // 2)
+ cwofs = choice([0,1])
+ thk = choice([1,1,2,2,3,4,randint(1,m//2)])
+ for dx in range(m):
+ cw = ((dx // thk) + cwofs) % 2
+ self.wind_rect(dx,dx, self.WIDTH-(dx*2), self.HEIGHT-(dx*2), cw)
+ elif gens == 15: # bubbles move cw or ccw in rectangles
+ m = max(self.WIDTH // 2, self.HEIGHT // 2)
+ cw = choice([0,1])
+ for dx in range(m):
+ self.wind_rect(dx,dx, self.WIDTH-(dx*2), self.HEIGHT-(dx*2), cw)
+ elif gens == 16:
+ xs = randint(2, (self.WIDTH//2)-1)
+ ys = randint(2, (self.HEIGHT//2)-1)
+ rx = (self.WIDTH // xs) + 1
+ ry = (self.HEIGHT // ys) + 1
+ cwchanges = choice([0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,2,2,3])
+ if cwchanges == 0:
+ cw = random() < 0.5
+ for x in range(rx):
+ if cwchanges == 1:
+ cw = random() < 0.5
+ for y in range(ry):
+ if cwchanges == 2:
+ cw = random() < 0.5
+ maxd = max((xs // 2), (ys // 2))
+ for d in range(maxd):
+ if cwchanges == 3:
+ cw = random() < 0.5
+ self.wind_rect(xs*x+d, ys*y+d, xs-2*d-1, ys-2*d-1, cw)
+ elif gens == 17: # bubbles bounce between walls
+ if random() < 0.5: # horizontal
+ winddirs = [' ',' ','<','<',' ',' ','<','<','>','>',' ',' ','>','>',' ',' ','x']
+ else: # vertical
+ winddirs = [' ','v',' ','v','^',' ','^',' ',' ','v',' ','v','^',' ','^',' ','x']
+ self.wind_wallblocking(winddirs)
+ elif gens == 18: # generate winds based on a random 3x3 matrix ruleset
+ winddirs = []
+ for z in range(257):
+ winddirs.append(choice([' ',' ',' ','x','^','v','-']))
+ winddirs[0] = ' '
+ winddirs[256] = choice(['x',' '])
+ self.wind_wallblocking256(winddirs)
+ elif gens == 19: # bubbles will move downwards in a zig-zag pattern
+ y = 0
+ x1 = randint(0, self.WIDTH-1)
+ while y < self.HEIGHT:
+ x2 = randint(0, self.WIDTH-1)
+ if x1 < x2:
+ self.setwind(x1,y, '>')
+ else:
+ self.setwind(x1,y, '<')
+ dy = choice([1,1,1,2])
+ self.setwind(x2,y, 'v')
+ y += dy
+ x1 = x2
+ def smooth(self, threshold, rev):
+ """Remove wall blocks that are surrounded by 4 empty places.
+ 0: probability which a wall cell is turned into space
+ 1: smooth away walls or smooth away empty spaces?
+ """
+ # make a copy of self.wmap and adds '#' at the end of line, for
+ # the overflowing indexing below: [x-1] and [x+1]
+ tmpwmap = [ line + ['#'] for line in self.wmap ]
+ if rev == 0:
+ chr = ' '
+ else:
+ chr = '#'
+ for x in range(self.WIDTH):
+ for y in range(1,self.HEIGHT-1):
+ count = 0
+ if tmpwmap[y+1][x] == chr:
+ count = count + 1
+ if tmpwmap[y-1][x] == chr:
+ count = count + 1
+ if tmpwmap[y][x+1] == chr:
+ count = count + 1
+ if tmpwmap[y][x-1] == chr:
+ count = count + 1
+ if (count >= 4) and (random() < threshold):
+ if rev == 0:
+ self.clrw(x,y)
+ else:
+ self.setw(x,y)
+ def mess(self, threshold):
+ """Random fill of the board with walls.
+ Only one argument, the probability that
+ a cell turns out to be a wall.
+ """
+ for x in range(self.WIDTH):
+ for y in range(self.HEIGHT):
+ if random() < threshold:
+ self.setw(x,y)
+ def zigzag_lr(self):
+ """Generate the level with random left-right zig-zags.
+ """
+ first = 1
+ self.reset(fill=False)
+ y = choice([0,0,2,3,3,4])
+ while y < (self.HEIGHT-2):
+ if first == 1:
+ first = 0
+ x1 = x2 = randint(2, self.WIDTH-3)
+ else:
+ x2 = randint(2, self.WIDTH-3)
+ while (x2 > (x1-3)) and (x2 < (x1+3)):
+ x2 = randint(2, self.WIDTH-3)
+ for dx in range(min(x1,x2+1), max(x1,x2+1)):
+ self.setw(dx,y)
+ dy = choice([2,2,3,3,3,4])
+ for dy in range(dy+1):
+ self.setw(x2,y+dy)
+ y = y + dy
+ x1 = x2
+ def zigzag_ud(self):
+ """Generate the level with random up-down zig-zags.
+ """
+ first = 1
+ self.reset(fill=False)
+ x = -1
+ while x < self.WIDTH:
+ if first == 1:
+ first = 0
+ y1 = y2 = randint(2, self.HEIGHT-1)
+ else:
+ y2 = randint(2, self.HEIGHT-1)
+ while (y2 > (y1-2)) and (y2 < (y1+2)):
+ y2 = randint(2, self.HEIGHT-1)
+ for dy in range(min(y1,y2+1), max(y1,y2+1)):
+ self.setw(x,dy)
+ dx = choice([3,4,4,4,5,6])
+ for dx in range(dx+1):
+ self.setw(x+dx,y2)
+ x = x + dx
+ y1 = y2
+ def zigzag(self):
+ """Generate a level with a random zig-zag form.
+ """
+ if random() < 0.5:
+ self.zigzag_lr()
+ else:
+ self.zigzag_ud()
+ def platforms(self, xxx_todo_changeme, xxx_todo_changeme1, full=1):
+ """Place random platforms.
+ args is a tuple with the following fields:
+ 0: a tuple containing the number of platforms and
+ the minum space between two platforms,
+ 1: a tuple indicating in order:
+ - the rng for the number of holes per platform
+ - the rng for the width of the holes,
+ 2: a flag indicating whether the platform should cross
+ the whole level or not.
+ """
+ (nplat, space) = xxx_todo_changeme
+ (rng_holes, rng_width) = xxx_todo_changeme1
+ plat = []
+ for i in range(nplat):
+ ntry = 100
+ while ntry:
+ y = randint(0,self.HEIGHT-1)
+ found = 0
+ for old in plat:
+ if abs(old-y) <= space:
+ found = 1
+ break
+ if not found:
+ plat.append(y)
+ break
+ ntry -= 1
+ if not ntry:
+ continue # ignore platform
+ if full:
+ x = 0
+ w = self.WIDTH
+ else:
+ x = randint(0,self.WIDTH-1)
+ w = randint(0,self.WIDTH-1)
+ s = choice([-1,1])
+ if s == -1:
+ w = min(w,x)
+ x -= w
+ else:
+ w = min(w,self.WIDTH-x)
+ for x1 in range(x,x+w):
+ self.setw(x1,y)
+ for i in range(rng_holes()):
+ hx = randint(x,x+w)
+ hw = rng_width()
+ for h in range(hx-hw//2,hx+hw//2):
+ self.clrw(h,y)
+ def remove_joined_blocks(self):
+ """Removes randomly placed, random sized blocks of walls.
+ The blocks are usually joined, or if not, they're offset so that
+ it's possible to move from one block to another by jumping.
+ """
+ self.reset(fill=True)
+ nrooms = randint(1, 4)
+ while nrooms:
+ nrooms -= 1;
+ x = 0
+ while x < self.WIDTH:
+ wid = randint(2,8)
+ hei = randint(2,6)
+ y = randint(2, self.HEIGHT - hei - 1)
+ for dx in range(wid):
+ for dy in range(hei):
+ self.clrw(x+dx, y+dy)
+ x += wid + choice([-2,-2,-1,-1,0]);
+ def discrete_blocks(self, blocks = -1):
+ """Put certain size blocks randomly, but so that they don't touch each other.
+ """
+ self.reset(fill=False)
+ if blocks == -1:
+ if random() < 0.75:
+ blocks = [(4,2),(2,4)] # CompactLevels, level 16
+ if random() < 0.30:
+ blocks.append((2,2))
+ if random() < 0.20:
+ blocks.append((6,2))
+ if random() < 0.10:
+ blocks.append((8,2))
+ else:
+ blocks = []
+ while len(blocks) == 0:
+ for bz in range(10):
+ if random() < 0.3:
+ blocks.append((bz+1,1))
+ ntry = 300
+ while ntry:
+ ntry -= 1
+ doput = 1
+ block = choice(blocks)
+ wid = block[0]
+ hei = block[1]
+ x = randint(0,self.WIDTH-wid-2)
+ y = randint(1,self.HEIGHT-hei-3)
+ for dx in range(x,x+wid+2):
+ for dy in range(y,y+hei+2):
+ if self.getw(dx,dy) == '#':
+ doput = 0
+ if doput:
+ for dx in range(x+1,x+wid+1):
+ for dy in range(y+1,y+hei+1):
+ self.setw(dx,dy)
+ def lines(self, rng_len, nlines, rng_angle=None):
+ """Generate a set of lines in any direction. It takes three
+ arguments, a rng for the length the lines, the number of lines,
+ and a rng for the angle.
+ """
+ if rng_angle is None:
+ rng_angle = lambda : choice([0]+[pi/i for i in range(3,21)]+[-pi/i for i in range(3,21)])
+ for i in range(nlines):
+ len = rng_len()
+ angle = rng_angle()
+ ntry = self.MAXTRY
+ while ntry:
+ sx = randint(0,self.WIDTH-1)
+ sy = randint(0,self.HEIGHT-1)
+ dx = int(sx + len*cos(angle) + 0.5)
+ dy = int(sy + len*sin(angle) + 0.5)
+ if dx < self.WIDTH and dy < self.HEIGHT and dx >= 0 and dy >= 0:
+ break
+ ntry -= 1
+ if ntry == 0:
+ break
+ if abs(dx-sx) > abs(dy-sy):
+ for x in range(dx-sx+1):
+ y = (2*(dy-sy)*x//(dx-sx)+1)//2
+ self.setw(sx+x,sy+y)
+ else:
+ for y in range(dy-sy+1):
+ x = (2*(dx-sx)*y//(dy-sy)+1)//2
+ self.setw(sx+x,sy+y)
+ def rooms(self, rng_radius, rng_e, n_rooms):
+ """Generate rooms. It takes the following arguments:
+ 0: the rng for the radius of the room
+ 1: the rng for the excentricity of the room
+ 2: the number of rooms
+ """
+ for i in range(n_rooms):
+ cx = randint(0,self.WIDTH-1)
+ cy = randint(0,self.HEIGHT-1)
+ r = rng_radius()
+ e = rng_e()*1.0
+ left = cx-int(r*e+0.5)
+ right = cx+int(r*e+0.5)
+ top = cy-int(r/e+0.5)
+ bottom = cy+int(r/e+0.5)
+ for x in range(left,right+1):
+ self.setw(x,top)
+ self.setw(x,bottom)
+ for y in range(top,bottom+1):
+ self.setw(left,y)
+ self.setw(right,y)
+ for x in range(left+1,right):
+ for y in range(top+1,bottom):
+ self.lockw(x,y)
+ def holes(self, rng_radius, rng_e, n_holes, rng_rect):
+ """Generate a set of holes in the level. It takes four args:
+ 0: the rng for the radius of the holes
+ 1: the rng for the excentricity of the holes
+ 2: the number of holes
+ 3: the rng for the shape of the hole 0 for circular, 1 for rectangular
+ """
+ for i in range(n_holes):
+ cx = randint(0,self.WIDTH-1)
+ cy = randint(0,self.HEIGHT-1)
+ r = rng_radius()
+ e = rng_e()*1.0
+ rect = rng_rect()
+ for x in range(cx-int(r*e+0.5),cx+int(r*e+0.5)+1):
+ for y in range(cy-int(r/e+0.5),cy+int(r/e+0.5)+1):
+ if not rect and (((x-cx)/e)**2+((y-cy)*e)**2) > r**2:
+ continue
+ self.clrw(x,y)
+ def grids(self, horizchance, vertchance):
+ """Generate a level with a grid of horizontal and vertical lines
+ 0: gaussian chance of each horizontal line part
+ 1: gaussian chance of each vertical line part
+ """
+ self.reset(fill=False)
+ xsize = choice([3,3,3,4,4,4,4,5,6])
+ ysize = choice([2,3,3,4,4,4,4,5])
+ xofs = choice([-1,0,1])
+ yofs = choice([-1,0,1])
+ for x in range((self.WIDTH//xsize)+1):
+ for y in range((self.HEIGHT//ysize)+1):
+ dx = x*xsize + xofs
+ dy = y*ysize + yofs
+ if gauss(0,1) > horizchance:
+ for i in range(0,xsize+1):
+ self.setw(dx+i,dy)
+ if gauss(0,1) > vertchance:
+ for i in range(0,ysize+1):
+ self.setw(dx,dy+i)
+ def pegs(self, pegchance, posadj, thick):
+ """Generate a level by putting pegs
+ 0: gaussian level of a peg appearance
+ 1: gaussian level of peg position adjustment
+ """
+ self.reset(fill=False)
+ xdist = choice([3,3,3,4,4,5]) # distance between pegs
+ ydist = choice([2,3,3,3,4,5]) # distance between pegs
+ if not thick:
+ xdist = xdist - randint(0,1)
+ ydist = ydist - randint(0,1)
+ xadj = randint(0,4) - 2
+ yadj = randint(0,4) - 2
+ for x in range(self.WIDTH // xdist):
+ for y in range(self.HEIGHT // ydist):
+ if gauss(0,1) > pegchance:
+ dx = x * xdist + xadj
+ dy = y * ydist + yadj
+ if gauss(0,1) > posadj:
+ dx = dx + randint(0,2) - 1
+ dy = dy + randint(0,2) - 1
+ self.setw(dx,dy)
+ if thick:
+ self.setw(dx+1,dy)
+ self.setw(dx,dy+1)
+ self.setw(dx+1,dy+1)
+ def mondrian(self, x1=2,y1=2,x2=-1,y2=-1, horiz=-1, mindepth=3):
+ """Generate a level that looks a bit like a Piet Mondrian painting, or
+ different sized rectangles stacked on top of each other.
+ 0-3: the size of the area to be split
+ 4: whether the first split is horizontal or vertical
+ 5: minimum number of splits to do
+ """
+ if horiz == -1:
+ horiz = choice([0,1])
+ if x2 == -1:
+ x2 = self.WIDTH-2
+ if y2 == -1:
+ y2 = self.HEIGHT-2
+ if (abs(x2-x1) < 6) or (abs(y2-y1) < 5):
+ return
+ mindepth = mindepth - 1
+ if horiz == 1:
+ horiz = 0
+ dy = randint(y1+2,y2-2)
+ for dx in range(min(x1,x2),max(x1,x2)):
+ self.setw(dx,dy)
+ if (random() < 0.75) or (mindepth > 0):
+ self.mondrian(x1,y1,x2,dy, horiz, mindepth)
+ if (random() < 0.75) or (mindepth > 0):
+ self.mondrian(x1,dy,x2,y2, horiz, mindepth)
+ else:
+ horiz = 1
+ dx = randint(x1+3,x2-3)
+ for dy in range(min(y1,y2),max(y1,y2)):
+ self.setw(dx,dy)
+ if (random() < 0.75) or (mindepth > 0):
+ self.mondrian(x1,y1,dx,y2, horiz, mindepth)
+ if (random() < 0.75) or (mindepth > 0):
+ self.mondrian(dx,y1,x2,y2, horiz, mindepth)
+ def bouncers(self, length, diradj, rev):
+ """Generate a level using a down and left or right moving walker
+ 0: how many steps does the walker take
+ 1: gaussian level, how often to change moving from left to right
+ 2: fill empty level with wall or reverse?
+ """
+ if rev == 0:
+ self.reset(fill=True)
+ else:
+ self.reset(fill=False)
+ x = randint(0,self.WIDTH-2)
+ y = randint(0,self.HEIGHT-2)
+ lorr = choice([1, -1]) # move left or right
+ for i in range(length):
+ if rev == 0:
+ self.clrw(x,y)
+ self.clrw(x+1,y)
+ self.clrw(x,y+1)
+ self.clrw(x+1,y+1)
+ else:
+ self.setw(x,y)
+ self.setw(x+1,y)
+ x = x + lorr
+ y = y + 1
+ if y > self.HEIGHT:
+ y = 0
+ if x > self.WIDTH - 2:
+ x = self.WIDTH - 2
+ lorr = -lorr
+ elif x < 0:
+ x = 0
+ lorr = -lorr
+ if gauss(0,1) > diradj:
+ lorr = -lorr
+ def walkers(self, length, minturn, maxturn, isbig):
+ """Generate a level with a walker
+ 0: length of the walker: how many steps it walks
+ 1: minimum length it walks straight, before turning
+ 2: maximum length it walks straight, before turning
+ 3: is the trail is 1 or 2 blocks high
+ """
+ # We start from a full wall
+ self.reset(fill=True)
+ x = randint(0,self.WIDTH-2)
+ y = randint(0,self.HEIGHT-2)
+ dir = randint(0,4)
+ dlen = 0
+ for i in range(length):
+ self.clrw(x,y)
+ self.clrw(x+1,y)
+ if isbig == 1:
+ self.clrw(x,y+1)
+ self.clrw(x+1,y+1)
+ dlen = dlen + 1
+ if dir == 0:
+ x = x - 2
+ if x < 0:
+ x = self.WIDTH-2
+ elif dir == 1:
+ y = y - 1
+ if y < 0:
+ y = self.HEIGHT
+ elif dir == 2:
+ x = x + 2
+ if x > (self.WIDTH - 2):
+ x = 0
+ else:
+ y = y + 1
+ if y > self.HEIGHT:
+ y = 0
+ if dlen > randint(minturn, maxturn):
+ # turn 90 degrees
+ dir = (dir + choice([1,3])) % 4
+ dlen = 0
+ def rivers(self, n_flow, side_threshold, side_shift):
+ """Generate flow paths by digging a big wall. The arguments are:
+ 0: the number of parallel flow to dig in the wall
+ 1: side_threshold is a gausian level for doing a step aside
+ 2: side_shift is the maximal size of the side step.
+ """
+ # We start from a full wall
+ self.reset(fill=True)
+ for x in [0, self.WIDTH-2]+[randint(3,self.WIDTH-5) for f in range(max(0, n_flow-2))]:
+ for y in range(self.HEIGHT):
+ self.clrw(x,y)
+ self.clrw(x+1,y)
+ g = gauss(0,1)
+ if abs(g) > side_threshold:
+ # We want to move aside, let's find which side is the best:
+ if self.WIDTH//4 < x < 3*self.WIDTH//4:
+ side = random() > 0.5
+ t = random()
+ if t > x*4/self.WIDTH:
+ side = 1
+ elif t > (self.WIDTH-x)*4/self.WIDTH:
+ side = -1
+ side_step = randint(1,side_shift)
+ if side > 0:
+ for i in range(x+2, min(x+2+side_step,self.WIDTH-1)):
+ self.clrw(i,y)
+ x = max(0,min(x+side_step, self.WIDTH-2))
+ else:
+ for i in range(max(x-side_step,0),x):
+ self.clrw(i,y)
+ x = max(x-side_step, 0)
+ def platforms_reg(self):
+ """Generate random platforms at regular y-intervals.
+ """
+ self.reset(fill=False)
+ yadjs = [-2,-1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,2]
+ y = randint(2,4)
+ yinc = randint(2,6)
+ yincadj = choice(yadjs)
+ ymax = self.HEIGHT-choice([1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,4])-1
+ while y < ymax:
+ holes = randint(choice([0,1,1,1,1]),7)
+ for x in range(0, self.WIDTH):
+ self.setw(x,y)
+ for i in range(holes):
+ x = randint(0, self.WIDTH-2)
+ self.clrw(x,y)
+ self.clrw(x+1,y)
+ y = y + yinc
+ yinc = yinc + yincadj
+ if yinc < 2:
+ yinc = 2
+ yincadj = choice(yadjs)
+ if yinc > 6:
+ yinc = 6
+ yincadj = choice(yadjs)
+ def startplatform(self):
+ "Make sure there's free space with wall underneath for dragon start positions"
+ hei = choice([1,1,1,2,2,3])
+ lft = choice([0,1])
+ wid = choice([3,3,3,4,5])
+ for x in range(lft, wid):
+ self.setw(x,self.HEIGHT-1)
+ self.setw(self.WIDTH-x-1,self.HEIGHT-1)
+ for y in range(hei+1):
+ self.clrw(x,self.HEIGHT-2-y)
+ self.clrw(self.WIDTH-x-1,self.HEIGHT-2-y)
+ def openstartway(self):
+ "Make sure there is a way from the starting position to the center of the level. Reduces player frustrations."
+ gen = choice([0,0,0,1])
+ if gen == 0: # horizontal open space to middle of level
+ ypos = choice([1,1,1,1,1,2,2,3,4,randint(1,self.HEIGHT//2)])
+ hei = choice([1,1,1,2])
+ for x in range(self.WIDTH//2):
+ for y in range(hei):
+ self.clrw(x, self.HEIGHT-1-ypos-y)
+ ypos = choice([1,1,1,1,1,2,2,3,4,randint(1,self.HEIGHT//2)])
+ hei = choice([1,1,1,2])
+ for x in range(self.WIDTH//2):
+ for y in range(hei):
+ self.clrw(self.WIDTH-x-1, self.HEIGHT-1-ypos-y)
+ elif gen == 1: # open way diagonally to NW or NS, third of a way to the level width
+ ypos = choice([1,1,1,1,1,2,2,3,4])
+ wid = choice([2,2,2,2,2,3,3,4])
+ for x in range(self.WIDTH//3):
+ for z in range(wid):
+ self.clrw(x+z, self.HEIGHT-1-x-ypos)
+ ypos = choice([1,1,1,1,1,2,2,3,4])
+ wid = choice([2,2,2,2,2,3,3,4])
+ for x in range(self.WIDTH//2):
+ for z in range(wid):
+ self.clrw(self.WIDTH-x-1-z, self.HEIGHT-1-x-ypos)
+ def close(self):
+ "Just close the level with floor and roof"
+ for x in range(self.WIDTH):
+ self.setw(x,0)
+ self.setw(x,self.HEIGHT)
+ def largest_vertical_hole(self, x):
+ "Returns the (start, stop) of the largest range of holes in column x."
+ if not (0 <= x < self.WIDTH):
+ return (0, 0)
+ ranges = []
+ best = 0
+ length = 0
+ for y in range(self.HEIGHT+1):
+ if y < self.HEIGHT and self.getw(x,y) == ' ':
+ length += 1
+ elif length > 0:
+ if length > best:
+ del ranges[:]
+ best = length
+ if length == best:
+ ranges.append((y-length, y))
+ length = 0
+ return choice(ranges or [(0, 0)])
+ def dig_vertical_walls(self):
+ "Check that no vertical wall spans the whole height of the level"
+ vwall = []
+ for x in range(self.WIDTH):
+ spaces = 0
+ for y in range(self.HEIGHT-1): # ignore bottom line spaces
+ spaces += self.getw(x,y) == ' '
+ if spaces == 0 or (random() < 0.4**spaces):
+ vwall.append(x)
+ shuffle(vwall)
+ for x in vwall:
+ # look for the longest continuous space in each of the two
+ # adjacent columns, and extend these to the current column
+ def dig(y1, y2):
+ for y in range(y1, y2):
+ self.clrw(x, y)
+ return y1 < y2 and y1 < self.HEIGHT-1
+ progress = False
+ for col in [x-1, x+1]:
+ y1, y2 = self.largest_vertical_hole(col)
+ progress |= dig(y1, y2)
+ while not progress:
+ progress |= dig(randint(0, self.HEIGHT-1),
+ randint(0, self.HEIGHT-1))
+ def prevent_straight_fall(self):
+ """Make platforms that prevent falling straight from top to bottom, but
+ still leave space for moving.
+ """
+ falls = []
+ for x in range(self.WIDTH):
+ for y in range(self.HEIGHT):
+ if self.getw(x,y) == '#':
+ break
+ else:
+ falls = falls + [x]
+ y = oldy = -10
+ for x in falls:
+ while (y < oldy+2) and (y > oldy-2):
+ y = randint(2, self.HEIGHT-2)
+ for dy in range(y-1,y+2):
+ for dx in range(x-3, x+4):
+ self.clrw(dx,dy)
+ self.setw(x-1,y)
+ self.setw(x+1,y)
+ self.setw(x,y)
+ oldy = y
+ def do_monsters(self):
+ """Create monsters based on the requested settings.
+ mlist is a list of monster setting. Each item is a tuple with:
+ 0: the list of monster to uses (each item might be a tuple)
+ 1: the rng for the number of monsters to pick in the list.
+ """
+ current = 'a'
+ for ms in self.mlist:
+ n_monsters = ms[1]()
+ for idx in range(n_monsters):
+ setattr(self,current,choice(ms[0]))
+ # self.__class__.__dict__[current] = choice(ms[0])
+ ntry = self.MAXTRY
+ while ntry:
+ x = randint(0,self.WIDTH-2)
+ y = randint(0,self.HEIGHT-1)
+ if self.getw(x,y) == self.getw(x+1,y) == ' ':
+ self.wmap[y][x] = current
+ break
+ ntry -= 1
+ current = chr(ord(current)+1)
+ def do_walls(self):
+ "Build the actual walls map for the game."
+ self.__class__.walls = ''
+ for y in range(self.HEIGHT-1):
+ self.__class__.walls += '##'
+ for x in range(self.WIDTH):
+ self.__class__.walls += self.wmap[y][x]
+ self.__class__.walls += '##\n'
+ self.__class__.walls += '##'
+ for x in range(self.WIDTH):
+ if self.getw(x,0) == '#' or self.getw(x,self.HEIGHT-1) == '#':
+ self.__class__.walls += '#'
+ else:
+ self.__class__.walls += ' '
+ self.__class__.walls += '##\n'
+ def do_winds(self):
+ "Build the actual wind map for the game."
+ self.__class__.winds = ''
+ for y in range(self.HEIGHT):
+ self.__class__.winds += '>>'
+ for x in range(self.WIDTH):
+ self.__class__.winds += self.windmap[y][x]
+ self.__class__.winds += '<<' + '\n'
+ def do_bonuses(self):
+ self.__class__.letter = choice([0,1])
+ = choice([0,1])
+ self.__class__.lightning = choice([0,1])
+ self.__class__.water = choice([0,1])
+ = choice([0,1])
+ def generate(self):
+ "Generate random level settings."
+ assert 0, "--- THIS IS NO LONGER REALLY USED ---"
+ self.mlist = [([
+ LNasty, LMonky, LGhosty, LFlappy, LSpringy, LOrcy, LGramy, LBlitzy,
+ RNasty, RMonky, RGhosty, RFlappy, RSpringy, ROrcy, RGramy, RBlitzy,
+ ],lambda : flat(12,4))]
+ gens = choice([512,512,256,256,128,128,64,64,32,32,16,16,16,16,16,16,20,20,8,8,8,8,4,4,4,4,2,2,2,2,1,1,3,5,6,7])
+ self.genwalls = []
+ if gens & 512:
+ print('Using grids generator')
+ self.genwalls.append((RandomLevel.grids,
+ uniform(0.0, 0.1),
+ uniform(0.0, 0.1)))
+ if gens & 256:
+ # generate using pegs
+ print('Using the pegs generator')
+ self.genwalls.append((RandomLevel.pegs,
+ uniform(0.1,0.2),
+ uniform(0.45,0.7),
+ choice([0,1,1,1])))
+ if gens & 128:
+ # generate using a bouncer
+ nr = choice([0,0,1])
+ print('Using the bouncer generator')
+ self.genwalls.append((RandomLevel.bouncers,
+ dice(1, 100) + 250 - nr*200, # length
+ uniform(0.7, 1.7),
+ nr))
+ if gens & 64:
+ # generate using a walker
+ print('Using the walker generator')
+ nr = dice(1, 3) + 2
+ self.genwalls.append((RandomLevel.walkers,
+ dice(2, 100) + 100, # length
+ nr, nr + dice(2, 3), # straight walk min, max len
+ choice([0,1])))
+ if gens & 32:
+ # generate rivers
+ print('Using the rivers generator')
+ self.genwalls.append((RandomLevel.rivers,
+ randrange(2,(self.WIDTH-4)/5), # the number of rivers
+ uniform(0.7, 1.7), # the side stepping threshold
+ 6)) # the max side stepping size
+ if gens & 16:
+ # generate rooms
+ print('Using the romms generator')
+ nr = choice([1,2,2,2,3,3,4,5])
+ self.genwalls.append((RandomLevel.rooms,
+ lambda : flat(9-nr,2), # the half size of the room
+ lambda : uniform(0.8,1.2), # the excentricity of the room
+ nr)) # the number of rooms
+ if gens & 8:
+ # generate a holes generator
+ # as this is interesting only if the level is filled somehow
+ print('Using the holes generator')
+ self.genwalls.append((RandomLevel.mess,1-uniform(0.2,0.5)))
+ nh = choice([1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,5])
+ self.genwalls.append((RandomLevel.holes,
+ lambda : flat(9-nh,2), # radius of the holes
+ lambda : uniform(0.9,1.1), # excentricity
+ nh, # number of holes
+ lambda : choice([0,0,0,1]))) # circle or rectangle
+ if gens & 4:
+ # generate a lines generator
+ print('Using the lines generator')
+ self.genwalls.append((RandomLevel.lines,
+ lambda : dice(7,3), # line length
+ dice(2,3))) # number of lines
+ if gens & 2:
+ # generate a platforms generator
+ print('Using the platforms generator')
+ nplat = dice(2,4,0)
+ if nplat: space = flat((self.HEIGHT-1)/nplat/2,(self.HEIGHT-1)/nplat/2-1)
+ else: space = 1
+ nholes = lambda : dice(1,3,0)
+ wholes = lambda : dice(2,3)
+ full = randrange(2)
+ self.genwalls.append((RandomLevel.platforms,
+ (nplat,space), # number of platform and spacing
+ (nholes,wholes), # number of holes and width
+ full)) # full width platform
+ if gens & 1:
+ # generate a mess generator
+ print('Using the mess generator')
+ if gens & ~2:
+ offset = 0
+ scale = 0.05
+ else:
+ offset = 0.05
+ scale = 0.10
+ self.genwalls.append((RandomLevel.mess,offset+random()*scale))
+ if random() < 0.2:
+ self.genwalls.append((RandomLevel.close,))
+ if random() < 0.90:
+ self.genwalls.append((RandomLevel.startplatform,))
+ self.genwalls.append((RandomLevel.generate_wind, ))
+Levels = []
+for i in range(25):
+ class level(RandomLevel):
+ auto = 1
+ Levels.append(level)
+class levelfinal(RandomLevel):
+ genwalls = [(RandomLevel.platforms,(4,3),(lambda:flat(1,1),lambda:flat(4,2)),1)]