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2 files changed, 124 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/source/accessories/tools/leather_thimbles/sashiko_thimble.svg b/source/accessories/tools/leather_thimbles/sashiko_thimble.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e91b878
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/accessories/tools/leather_thimbles/sashiko_thimble.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
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diff --git a/source/accessories/tools/leather_thimbles/ b/source/accessories/tools/leather_thimbles/
index ef3bfdc..37586ca 100755
--- a/source/accessories/tools/leather_thimbles/
+++ b/source/accessories/tools/leather_thimbles/
@@ -167,6 +167,60 @@ class Flat(hazwaz.Command):
Draw the pattern for flat thimbles
+ def draw_pattern(self, dest):
+ grp = dest.g()
+ sa = 2
+ r_min = 7
+ r_max = 13
+ h = 20
+ y = 20
+ for i, r in enumerate(range(r_min, r_max)):
+ size = dest.g()
+ # half the circumference plus 2 mm sewing allowance
+ w = r * math.pi + 4
+ h = 35
+ top_x = 20
+ top_y = (35 + 10) * i + 20
+ thimble = dest.path(
+ (
+ "M", top_x * mm, top_y * mm,
+ "c", 0, h / 2 * mm, 0, h * mm, w / 2 * mm, h * mm,
+ "c", w / 2 * mm, 0,
+ w / 2 * mm, - h / 2 * mm,
+ w / 2 * mm, - h * mm,
+ "L", top_x * mm, top_y * mm,
+ ),
+ )
+ size.add(thimble)
+ size.add(dest.text(
+ text="size: " + str(r * 2),
+ insert=((top_x + w / 2) * mm, (top_y + 1) * mm + 8),
+ text_anchor="middle",
+ ))
+ grp.add(size)
+ dest.add(grp)
+ def main(self):
+ dest = svgwrite.Drawing(
+ filename="flat_thimbles.svg",
+ size=("210mm", "297mm"),
+ profile="full",
+ )
+ self.draw_pattern(dest)
class Thimble(hazwaz.MainCommand):