diff options
authorElena ``of Valhalla'' Grandi <>2022-05-22 16:38:31 +0200
committerElena ``of Valhalla'' Grandi <>2022-05-22 16:38:31 +0200
commita9164f41b633b051c8bf83693eef69b8a223574b (patch)
parent68e014c55334636f1c4564df2c57a1912bcb00bb (diff)
Initial gloves patterngloves
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-rw-r--r--source/hands/ultimate_gloves/gloves.jpgbin0 -> 335516 bytes
-rw-r--r--source/hands/ultimate_gloves/thumb.jpgbin0 -> 369094 bytes
7 files changed, 503 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/source/hands/index.rst b/source/hands/index.rst
index a9d8325..9f2215e 100644
--- a/source/hands/index.rst
+++ b/source/hands/index.rst
@@ -5,3 +5,5 @@
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
:caption: Contents:
+ ultimate_gloves/index
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new file mode 100644
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+++ b/source/hands/ultimate_gloves/button.jpg
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0fc63c1
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37d853f
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+++ b/source/hands/ultimate_gloves/index.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+ Ultimate Gloves
+.. only:: html
+ .. contents::
+This is a pair of convertible mittens / fingerless gloves designed for
+warmth and freedom of movement.
+.. figure:: gloves.jpg
+ :align: center
+Ideal materials for this is a superwash wool in fingering to dk weight;
+for most adult hands each glove will require less than one 50 g ball
+(100 g total).
+* Two sets of double-point needles in the same size: one to work and the
+ other one to keep the live stitches of the various components as they
+ are worked.
+* A crochet hook in the same size or slightely bigger, and spare yarn
+ for the temporary crochet cast on.
+.. figure:: measurements.svg
+ :align: center
+Prepare a gauge swatch and measure both horizontal and vertical gauge.
+Measure the width of the hand, just below the finger (A).
+Measure also the lenght of your fingers (B), the distance between the
+fingers and start of thumb (C), between start of thumb and wrist (D) and
+lenght of thumb (E)
+Multiply A by your gauge, round to the nearest multiple of two; this is
+a, the basic circumference of the glove.
+Multiply B, C, D and E by the vertical gauge to get b, c, d and e.
+To get the basic finger circunference, f, divide (a+12) by 4 and round up.
+The mitten, fingers and thumb are worked separately, then joined working
+from the fingers towards the cuffs.
+The mitten part is worked like the toes of a sock; I used the short rows
+Divide a by 2, this is g.
+Multiply g by 0.4; if f is even round to the nearest even integer,
+otherwise to the nearest odd one; this is h.
+| Crochet cast on g :term:`sts`; :term:`p` to the end of the row; turn work.
+| :term:`k` to the last :term:`st`; :term:`w&t`.
+| :term:`p` to the last :term:`st`; :term:`w&t`.
+| :term:`k` to the last unwrapped :term:`st`; :term:`w&t`.
+| :term:`p` to the last unwrapped :term:`st`; :term:`w&t`.
+| Repeat the last two lines until you have h unwrapped :term:`sts` and
+ you're ready to start a right side row.
+| :term:`k` to the last unwrapped :term:`st`, pick up wrap, knit wrapped
+ :term:`st`, :term:`w&t`.
+| :term:`p` to the last unwrapped :term:`st`, pick up wrap, purl wrapped
+ :term:`st`, :term:`w&t`.
+| Repeat the last two lines until you have one wrapped :term:`st` per
+ side.
+| :term:`k` to the last unwrapped :term:`st`, pick up wrap, knit wrapped
+ :term:`st`.
+Pick up the g live :term:`sts` from the crochet chain and place them on
+two double-point needles, add a marker for the start of round and knit
+to the end of the two needles.
+Pick up the last remaining wrap, knit the wrapped :term:`st` and
+continue working in stockinette in the round for b - (g - h) + 4 rounds
+(i.e. the mitten should be as long as your fingers + 4 rows).
+Bind off g :term:`sts`, put the remaining ones on a spare double-point needle.
+.. admonition:: Variant
+ Instead of binding off you can work these g :term:`sts` flat for 2-3
+ rows, either in stockinette or 2k2p ribbing, and then bind them off
+ in pattern.
+ You will then have to sew the sides to the main body of the glove.
+.. figure:: thumb.jpg
+ :align: center
+ :width: 160 px
+ :height: 120 px
+Form a loop and knit (f+2)/2 :term:`sts` alternating between the front
+and the back side of the loop, join the round.
+:term:`k` the next two rounds spreading enough increases so that by the
+end of them you have f+2 :term:`sts`.
+Work in the round; after a few rows (e.g. 5) pull the tail tight to
+close the hole and use a blunt needle to sew it in.
+Continue working until you have done e / 4 * 3 complete (f+2
+:term:`sts`) rounds.
+:term:`k` (f+2)/4 :term:`sts`, then create the thumb hole: pass the yarn
+to the front of the work; slip the first :term:`st` to the right needle
+as if to knit;
+slip the next :term:`st` to the right needle and then pass the first
+slipped :term:`st` over the second, binding it off; continue until you
+have bound off f/2+1 :term:`sts`, slip the last :term:`st` back to the
+left needle.
+At the edge where you started, cast on f/2+2 :term:`sts` using the
+twisted purlwise cast on.
+Slip the first regular :term:`st` to the right needle, slip the last
+cast on :term:`st` above it, return the regular :term:`st` to the left
+needle. Continue knitting to the end of the round.
+:term:`k` e / 4 other rows, place the live :term:`sts` on two spare
+double-point needles.
+For the ring and middle finger long tail cast on f :term:`sts`, join in
+the round and work for about 2 cm, cut yarn and place on two spare
+double-point needles, with the tails facing the same direction.
+For the small finger, if a is divisible by four cast on f :term:`sts`,
+otherwise f - 2, work as other fingers, place on the same double-point
+needles as above, with the tail facing the ring finger.
+Cast on f :term:`sts` for the index ring, work as above but don't cut
+With all the four the fingers on two spare needles, join them together,
+decreasing one stitch at each edge of a finger; while doing so
+distribute the stitches on two needles, but try to avoid placing a
+change of needes between two fingers even if you have to have a
+different number of stitches per needle..
+:term:`k` half of the index finger except for two :term:`sts`,
+:term:`sks`; continue with the middle finger: :term:`k2t`, :term:`k` all
+:term:`sts` except for the last two, :term:`sks`; repeat the same for
+the ring finger; :term:`k2t` the first two :term:`sts` of the small
+finger, :term:`k` the remaining first half of the small finger.
+Now work the other side of the hand: :term:`k` the remaining :term:`sts`
+of the small finger except for the last two, :term:`sks`; on the ring
+finger :term:`k2t`, :term:`k` until two :term:`sts` of the ring finger
+remain, :term:`sks`; repeat for the middle finger; :term:`k2t` the first
+two :term:`sts` of the index finger, :term:`k` the remaining :term:`sts`
+of the index finger.
+Leave the tails free, and use them later to sew the small holes between
+Add a marker for the start of round.
+:term:`k` in the round for 3 more rounds.
+Just for the left glove, knit g :term:`sts`.
+Place the fingers inside the mitten, hold the needle from the mitten
+parallel to the left one from the fingers.
+Pick a stitch from the fingers, put it on the needle from the mitten,
+knit two :term:`sts` together; repeat until the mitten is joined to the
+main body.
+Just for the right glove: :term:`k` g :term:`sts`.
+:term:`k` c - 5 rounds; :term:`sks` the last two :term:`sts` and mark
+end of glove.
+Attach thumb so that the thumb-hole is facing the other fingers; knit
+the first two :term:`sks` together, knit the other :term:`sts` of thumb
+except two, :term:`sks`; knit first two :term:`sts` of glove together,
+mark restart of glove, knit to the end of the round.
+Work the next e rows; every 2-3 rows knit together the last 2
+:term:`sts` of glove, work thumb, slip, knit passover the first
+:term:`sts` of glove so that you arrive at the wrist with a - 2
+:term:`sts`. A few rounds before the end you may want to decrease also
+near the small finger; knit together the third- and second-to-last
+:term:`sts` of the needle, knit the last :term:`st`, knit the first
+:term:`st` of the next needle, slip, knit, passover the second and third
+:term:`st` of the needle.
+Work the cuff in 2k2p ribbing until it is long enought or you finish
+your yarn :)
+Bind off loosely in pattern.
+.. figure:: button.jpg
+ :align: center
+Attach a button just above the cuff in the middle of the back; on the
+corresponding part of the mitten insert some yarn around a stitch, work
+a few crochet chain stitches with the yarn doubled, pass the ends to the
+inside of the mitt and fix them.
+* 50% wool, 30% acrylic, 20% nylon
+* 150 m per 50 g balls
+* worked with 4 mm dpn, 22 sts × 36 rows = 10 cm × 10 cm
+* 30 g per each glove
+* Mafil Sport Wash 100% superwash wool
+* worked with 3 mm dpn?
+* 40 g per each glove
+* Super Baby Decatiè superwash wool
+* worked with 3 mm dpn, 30 sts × 40 rows = 10 cm × 10 cm in the round
diff --git a/source/hands/ultimate_gloves/measurements.svg b/source/hands/ultimate_gloves/measurements.svg
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d63cff
--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
diff --git a/source/techniques/abbreviations.rst b/source/techniques/abbreviations.rst
index 92034c3..1c181ee 100644
--- a/source/techniques/abbreviations.rst
+++ b/source/techniques/abbreviations.rst
@@ -39,6 +39,9 @@
wrong side
+ w&t
+ wrap and turn
yarn over: pass the yarn over the working needle as if to knit to
create a new stitch.