diff options
-rw-r--r--arduino_sketch/fuzzy_alarm_clock_ds1307/fuzzy_alarm_clock_ds1307.pde (renamed from ds1307/arduino_sketch/fuzzy_alarm_clock_ds1307.pde)0
3 files changed, 294 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/arduino_sketch/.gitignore b/arduino_sketch/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c024d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arduino_sketch/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/arduino_sketch/fuzzy_alarm_clock_ds1307/SConstruct b/arduino_sketch/fuzzy_alarm_clock_ds1307/SConstruct
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..acc5726
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arduino_sketch/fuzzy_alarm_clock_ds1307/SConstruct
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+# scons script for the Arduino sketch
+# http://code.google.com/p/arscons/
+# Copyright (C) 2010 by Homin Lee <ff4500@gmail.com>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# You'll need the serial module: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyserial
+# Basic Usage:
+# 1. make a folder which have same name of the sketch (ex. Blink/ for Blik.pde)
+# 2. put the sketch and SConstruct(this file) under the folder.
+# 3. to make the HEX. do following in the folder.
+# $ scons
+# 4. to upload the binary, do following in the folder.
+# $ scons upload
+# Thanks to:
+# * Ovidiu Predescu <ovidiu@gmail.com> and Lee Pike <leepike@gmail.com>
+# for Mac port and bugfix.
+# This script tries to determine the port to which you have an Arduino
+# attached. If multiple USB serial devices are attached to your
+# computer, you'll need to explicitly specify the port to use, like
+# this:
+# $ scons ARDUINO_PORT=/dev/ttyUSB0
+# To add your own directory containing user libraries, pass EXTRA_LIB
+# to scons, like this:
+# $ scons EXTRA_LIB=<my-extra-library-dir>
+from glob import glob
+import sys
+import re
+import os
+pathJoin = os.path.join
+env = Environment()
+platform = env['PLATFORM']
+def getUsbTty(rx):
+ usb_ttys = glob(rx)
+ if len(usb_ttys) == 1: return usb_ttys[0]
+ else: return None
+if platform == 'darwin':
+ # For MacOS X, pick up the AVR tools from within Arduino.app
+ ARDUINO_HOME_DEFAULT = '/Applications/Arduino.app/Contents/Resources/Java'
+ ARDUINO_PORT_DEFAULT = getUsbTty('/dev/tty.usbserial*')
+elif platform == 'win32':
+ # For Windows, use environment variables.
+ # For Ubuntu Linux (9.10 or higher)
+ ARDUINO_HOME_DEFAULT = os.environ.get('ARDUINO_HOME','/usr/share/arduino/') #'/home/YOU/apps/arduino-00XX/'
+ ARDUINO_PORT_DEFAULT = getUsbTty('/dev/ttyUSB*')
+ AVR_BIN_PREFIX = 'avr-'
+ARDUINO_BOARD_DEFAULT = os.environ.get('ARDUINO_BOARD', 'atmega328')
+ARDUINO_VER = ARGUMENTS.get('ARDUINO_VER', 22) # Arduino 0022
+RST_TRIGGER = ARGUMENTS.get('RST_TRIGGER', None) # use built-in pulseDTR() by default
+EXTRA_LIB = ARGUMENTS.get('EXTRA_LIB', '/home/valhalla/sketchbook/libraries') # handy for adding another arduino-lib dir
+ print 'ARDUINO_HOME must be defined.'
+ raise KeyError('ARDUINO_HOME')
+ARDUINO_CORE = pathJoin(ARDUINO_HOME, 'hardware/arduino/cores/arduino')
+ARDUINO_SKEL = pathJoin(ARDUINO_CORE, 'main.cpp')
+ARDUINO_CONF = pathJoin(ARDUINO_HOME, 'hardware/arduino/boards.txt')
+# Some OSs need bundle with IDE tool-chain
+if platform == 'darwin' or platform == 'win32':
+ AVR_BIN_PREFIX = pathJoin(ARDUINO_HOME, 'hardware/tools/avr/bin', 'avr-')
+ AVRDUDE_CONF = pathJoin(ARDUINO_HOME, 'hardware/tools/avr/etc/avrdude.conf')
+if EXTRA_LIB != None:
+ARDUINO_LIBS += [pathJoin(ARDUINO_HOME, 'libraries')]
+# check given board name, ARDUINO_BOARD is valid one
+ptnBoard = re.compile(r'^(.*)\.name=(.*)')
+boards = {}
+for line in open(ARDUINO_CONF):
+ result = ptnBoard.findall(line)
+ if result:
+ boards[result[0][0]] = result[0][1]
+if not ARDUINO_BOARD in boards.keys():
+ print ("ERROR! the given board name, %s is not in the supported board list:"%ARDUINO_BOARD)
+ print ("all available board names are:")
+ for name in boards.keys():
+ print ("\t%s for %s"%(name.ljust(14), boards[name]))
+ print ("however, you may edit %s to add a new board."%ARDUINO_CONF)
+ sys.exit(-1)
+def getBoardConf(strPtn):
+ ptn = re.compile(strPtn)
+ for line in open(ARDUINO_CONF):
+ result = ptn.findall(line)
+ if result:
+ return result[0]
+ assert(False)
+MCU = getBoardConf(r'^%s\.build\.mcu=(.*)'%ARDUINO_BOARD)
+F_CPU = getBoardConf(r'^%s\.build\.f_cpu=(.*)'%ARDUINO_BOARD)
+# There should be a file with the same name as the folder and with the extension .pde
+TARGET = os.path.basename(os.path.realpath(os.curdir))
+cFlags = ['-ffunction-sections', '-fdata-sections', '-fno-exceptions',
+ '-funsigned-char', '-funsigned-bitfields', '-fpack-struct', '-fshort-enums',
+ '-Os', '-mmcu=%s'%MCU]
+envArduino = Environment(CC = AVR_BIN_PREFIX+'gcc', CXX = AVR_BIN_PREFIX+'g++',
+ CFLAGS = cFlags+['-std=gnu99'], CCFLAGS = cFlags, TOOLS = ['gcc','g++'])
+def fnProcessing(target, source, env):
+ wp = open ('%s'%target[0], 'wb')
+ wp.write(open(ARDUINO_SKEL).read())
+ types='''void
+ int char word long
+ float double byte long
+ boolean
+ uint8_t uint16_t uint32_t
+ int8_t int16_t int32_t
+ '''
+ types=' | '.join(types.split())
+ re_signature=re.compile(r"""^\s* (
+ (?: (%s) \s+ )?
+ \w+ \s*
+ \( \s* ((%s) \s+ \*? \w+ (?:\s*,\s*)? )* \)
+ ) \s* {? \s* $""" % (types,types), re.MULTILINE|re.VERBOSE)
+ prototypes = {}
+ for file in glob(os.path.realpath(os.curdir) + "/*.pde"):
+ for line in open(file):
+ result = re_signature.findall(line)
+ if result:
+ prototypes[result[0][0]] = result[0][1]
+ for name in prototypes.keys():
+ print ("%s;"%(name))
+ wp.write("%s;\n"%name)
+ for file in glob(os.path.realpath(os.curdir) + "/*.pde"):
+ print file, TARGET
+ if not os.path.samefile(file, TARGET+".pde"):
+ wp.write('#line 1 "%s"\r\n' % file)
+ wp.write(open(file).read())
+ # Add this preprocessor directive to localize the errors.
+ sourcePath = str(source[0]).replace('\\', '\\\\');
+ wp.write('#line 1 "%s"\r\n' % sourcePath)
+ wp.write(open('%s'%source[0]).read())
+envArduino.Append(BUILDERS = {'Processing':Builder(action = fnProcessing,
+ suffix = '.cpp', src_suffix = '.pde')})
+envArduino.Append(BUILDERS={'Elf':Builder(action=AVR_BIN_PREFIX+'gcc '+
+ '-mmcu=%s -Os -Wl,--gc-sections -o $TARGET $SOURCES -lm'%MCU)})
+envArduino.Append(BUILDERS={'Hex':Builder(action=AVR_BIN_PREFIX+'objcopy '+
+ '-O ihex -R .eeprom $SOURCES $TARGET')})
+# add arduino core sources
+VariantDir('build/core', ARDUINO_CORE)
+gatherSources = lambda x: glob(pathJoin(x, '*.c'))+\
+ glob(pathJoin(x, '*.cpp'))+\
+ glob(pathJoin(x, '*.S'))
+core_sources = gatherSources(ARDUINO_CORE)
+core_sources = filter(lambda x: not (os.path.basename(x) == 'main.cpp'), core_sources)
+core_sources = map(lambda x: x.replace(ARDUINO_CORE, 'build/core/'), core_sources)
+# add libraries
+libCandidates = []
+ptnLib = re.compile(r'^[ ]*#[ ]*include [<"](.*)\.h[>"]')
+for line in open (TARGET+'.pde'):
+ result = ptnLib.findall(line)
+ if result:
+ # Look for the library directory that contains the header.
+ filename=result[0]+'.h'
+ for libdir in ARDUINO_LIBS:
+ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(libdir):
+ for f in files:
+ if f == filename:
+ libCandidates += [os.path.basename(root)]
+# Hack. In version 20 of the Arduino IDE, the Ethernet library depends
+# implicitly on the SPI library.
+if ARDUINO_VER >= 20 and 'Ethernet' in libCandidates:
+ libCandidates += ['SPI']
+all_libs_sources = []
+index = 0
+for orig_lib_dir in ARDUINO_LIBS:
+ lib_sources = []
+ lib_dir = 'build/lib_%02d'%index
+ VariantDir(lib_dir, orig_lib_dir)
+ for libPath in filter(os.path.isdir, glob(pathJoin(orig_lib_dir, '*'))):
+ libName = os.path.basename(libPath)
+ if not libName in libCandidates:
+ continue
+ envArduino.Append(CPPPATH = libPath.replace(orig_lib_dir, lib_dir))
+ lib_sources = gatherSources(libPath)
+ utilDir = pathJoin(libPath, 'utility')
+ if os.path.exists(utilDir) and os.path.isdir(utilDir):
+ lib_sources += gatherSources(utilDir)
+ envArduino.Append(CPPPATH = utilDir.replace(orig_lib_dir, lib_dir))
+ lib_sources = map(lambda x: x.replace(orig_lib_dir, lib_dir), lib_sources)
+ all_libs_sources += lib_sources
+ index += 1
+# Convert sketch(.pde) to cpp
+envArduino.Processing('build/'+TARGET+'.cpp', 'build/'+TARGET+'.pde')
+VariantDir('build', '.')
+sources = ['build/'+TARGET+'.cpp']
+sources += all_libs_sources
+sources += core_sources
+# Add raw sources which live in sketch dir.
+# sources += gatherSources('.')
+# Finally Build!!
+objs = envArduino.Object(sources) #, LIBS=libs, LIBPATH='.')
+envArduino.Elf(TARGET+'.elf', objs)
+envArduino.Hex(TARGET+'.hex', TARGET+'.elf')
+# Print Size
+# TODO: check binary size
+MAX_SIZE = getBoardConf(r'^%s\.upload.maximum_size=(.*)'%ARDUINO_BOARD)
+print ("maximum size for hex file: %s bytes"%MAX_SIZE)
+envArduino.Command(None, TARGET+'.hex', AVR_BIN_PREFIX+'size --target=ihex $SOURCE')
+# Reset
+def pulseDTR(target, source, env):
+ import serial
+ import time
+ ser = serial.Serial(ARDUINO_PORT)
+ ser.setDTR(1)
+ time.sleep(0.5)
+ ser.setDTR(0)
+ ser.close()
+ reset_cmd = '%s %s'%(RST_TRIGGER, ARDUINO_PORT)
+ reset_cmd = pulseDTR
+# Upload
+UPLOAD_PROTOCOL = getBoardConf(r'^%s\.upload\.protocol=(.*)'%ARDUINO_BOARD)
+UPLOAD_SPEED = getBoardConf(r'^%s\.upload\.speed=(.*)'%ARDUINO_BOARD)
+if UPLOAD_PROTOCOL == 'stk500':
+ UPLOAD_PROTOCOL = 'stk500v1'
+avrdudeOpts = ['-V', '-F', '-c %s'%UPLOAD_PROTOCOL, '-b %s'%UPLOAD_SPEED,
+ '-p %s'%MCU, '-P %s'%ARDUINO_PORT, '-U flash:w:$SOURCES']
+ avrdudeOpts += ['-C %s'%AVRDUDE_CONF]
+fuse_cmd = '%s %s'%(pathJoin(os.path.dirname(AVR_BIN_PREFIX), 'avrdude'),
+ ' '.join(avrdudeOpts))
+upload = envArduino.Alias('upload', TARGET+'.hex', [reset_cmd, fuse_cmd]);
+# Clean build directory
+envArduino.Clean('all', 'build/')
+# vim: et sw=4 fenc=utf-8:
diff --git a/ds1307/arduino_sketch/fuzzy_alarm_clock_ds1307.pde b/arduino_sketch/fuzzy_alarm_clock_ds1307/fuzzy_alarm_clock_ds1307.pde
index 8c24791..8c24791 100644
--- a/ds1307/arduino_sketch/fuzzy_alarm_clock_ds1307.pde
+++ b/arduino_sketch/fuzzy_alarm_clock_ds1307/fuzzy_alarm_clock_ds1307.pde