************ Introduction ************ .. image:: img/dellavitadelcont00bian-portrait.png In the late 18th century scientists around Europe were busy discovering the Laws of Nature; what if they had been able to *warp* them? In this setting, they are! Imagine a place where devices like the remotely controlled electro-flogo-pneumatic gun [#eft_gun]_ aren't just experimental prototypes, but they get a practical use in a tongue-in-cheek context rich in excitement and adventure! .. [#eft_gun] An actual device invented — and named — by the real world Volta This manual is centered on the area around Como, in the Duchy of Milan / Cisalpine Republic / Kingdom of Italy / Kingdom of Lombardy - Venetia (and a couple more entities in between) where Alessandro Volta lived, discovered the secret of eternal life [#eternal]_ and founded an important centre of research that attracted scientists and aspiring scientists from all around Europe and the world. .. [#eternal] or at least the means to prolong his own life and health indefinitely. The time range covered by this manual starts in the 1780s, with the establishment of a centre of research in Como (rather than accepting the post at the university in Pavia, as in the real world timeline) and reaches the mid 19th century, when a Volta recognised as immortal oversees the birth of the steampunk computer (with Electricity and small explosions in the UI). Of course, Volta wasn't alone and all european countries (and armies) had access to their own scientists, so nobody gained an undue advantage and the political history of this timeline follows more or less that of the real world timeline… except where it doesn't. This means that the players have a chance to get involved in such events as the Napoleonic wars or the Italian indipendence wars.