****** Skills ****** This setting uses mostly the `default skill list`_ from Fate Core, plus the Science! skill detailed here. .. _`default skill list`: https://fate-srd.com/fate-core/default-skill-list Science! ======== The Science! skill is about researching the laws of nature *and* warping them. Actions ------- Overcome ~~~~~~~~ Create an Advantage ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Attack ~~~~~~ Defend ~~~~~~ Lore stunts ----------- Default skill list ================== See the Fate Core manual for details on the default skills; these are a few setting-specific notes. Crafts ------ This involves all traditional crafts and mainteinance of “modern” machinery, but obviously not the invention of new ones, as that's in the scope of Science!. Drive ----- For simplicity, this skill applies to all kinds of moving things including riding animals, horse-driven coaches / carriages and self-propelled creation of Science!. If relevant for your game feel free to split this into multiple skills as needed. Lore ---- Lore involves all aspects of knowledge and education that are not related to scientific *research*, including the humanities, but also passive knowledge of scientific discoveries. Lore also defines which language a character speaks and writes. Terrible (-2) just the most local and least prestige language of the place they live in, and no literacy; e.g. in Como this would be spoken Western Lombard. Poor (-1) all of the local languages of the place they live in, with limited literacy; e.g. in Como this would be Western Lombard and Italian. Mediocre (+0) as Poor, but including reading and writing at a reasonably competent level. Average (+1) the above, plus French (the common language of commerce, enabling conversations with an international audience). Fair (+2) the above, plus Latin (the language of scientific publications). Good (+3) the above, plus a number of European (plus Hebrew and Arabic) languages; these can be decided during the game, as they are needed. Great (+4) the above, plus a number of reasonably accessible non European languages (e.g. Hindustani or Chinese, not the language spoken by an insulated tribe somewhere in Amazonia) Superb (+5) and above the above, plus any exotic language the player may come up with.