import random, math, time import gamesrv import images import boards import bubbles from boards import * from images import ActiveSprite from mnstrmap import GreenAndBlue, LetterBubbles, PlayerBubbles from mnstrmap import DigitsMisc KEEPALIVE = 5*60 # seconds CheatDontDie = 0 class Dragon(ActiveSprite): priority = 1 mdef = PlayerBubbles fly_counter = 0 ## glueddown = None DCAP = { 'hspeed': 1, 'firerate': 2, 'shootthrust': 8.0, 'infinite_shield': 1, 'shield': 50, 'gravity': 0.21, 'bubbledelay': 0, 'shootbubbles': (), 'pinball': 0, ## 'nojump': 0, 'autofire': 0, 'ring': 0, 'hotstuff': 0, 'left2right': 1, 'slippy': 0, 'vslippy': 0.0, 'lookforward': 1, 'fly': 0, 'jumpdown': 0, 'flower': 1, 'bigflower': None, 'overlayglasses': 0, 'teleport': 0, 'breakwalls': 0, 'carrying': (), 'key_left': 'key_left', 'key_right': 'key_right', 'key_jump': 'key_jump', 'key_fire': 'key_fire', } SAVE_CAP = {'hspeed': 1, 'firerate': 2, 'shootthrust': 8.0 / 1.5, 'flower': -1} def __init__(self, bubber, x, y, dir, dcap=DCAP): self.bubber = bubber self.dir = dir icobubber = dcap.get('bubbericons', bubber) ActiveSprite.__init__(self, icobubber.icons[0, dir], x, y) = 0 self.up = 0.0 self.watermoveable = 0 self.dcap = dcap.copy() self.dcap.update(self.bubber.pcap) BubPlayer.DragonList.append(self) self.gen.append(self.normal_movements()) self.overlaysprite = None self.overlayyoffset = 4 self.hatsprite = None self.hatangle = 1 self.isdying = 0 self.lifegained = 0 self.playing_fish = False if BubPlayer.SuperSheep: self.become_monster('Sheep', immed=1) elif BubPlayer.SuperFish: self.become_fish() def kill(self): try: BubPlayer.DragonList.remove(self) except ValueError: pass try: self.bubber.dragons.remove(self) except ValueError: pass ActiveSprite.kill(self) if self.hatsprite is not None: if self.hatsprite.alive: self.hatsprite.kill() self.hatsprite = None def die(self): if (self in BubPlayer.DragonList and not self.dcap['shield'] and not CheatDontDie): BubPlayer.DragonList.remove(self) self.gen = [self.dying()] #wasting = boards.curboard.wastingplay #if wasting is not None: # wasting[self.bubber] = len(wasting) def dying(self, can_loose_letter=1): self.isdying = 1 if self.hatsprite is not None: if self.hatsprite.alive: dxy = [3*self.dir, -7] self.hatsprite.gen = [self.hatsprite.parabolic(dxy)] self.hatsprite = None lst = [bonus for timeout, bonus in self.dcap['carrying'] if hasattr(bonus, 'buildoutcome')] #if random.random() > 0.2] if lst: # loose some bonuses from bonuses import BonusMaker for bonus in lst: self.bubber.givepoints(-bonus.points) BonusMaker(self.x, self.y, [bonus.nimage], outcome=bonus.buildoutcome()) elif self.bubber.letters and random.random() > 0.59 and can_loose_letter: # loose a letter lst = list(range(6)) random.shuffle(lst) for l in lst: lettername = bubbles.extend_name(l) if lettername in self.bubber.letters: s = self.bubber.letters[lettername] del self.bubber.letters[lettername] if isinstance(s, ActiveSprite): s.kill() scoreboard() s = bubbles.LetterBubble(, l) s.move(self.x, self.y) break icons = self.getcurrenticons() for i in range(2, 32): mode = 5 + ((i>>1) & 3) self.seticon(icons[mode, self.dir]) yield None self.kill() if not self.bubber.dragons: self.bubber.bubberdie() # self.bubber.badpoints = self.bubber.points // 3 def killing(self): self.kill() if 0: yield None def carrybonus(self, bonus, timeout=500): timeout += BubPlayer.FrameCounter lst = list(self.dcap['carrying']) lst.append((timeout, bonus)) lst.sort() self.dcap['carrying'] = lst def listcarrybonuses(self): return [bonus for timeout, bonus in self.dcap['carrying']] ## def moebius(self): ## self.dir = -self.dir ## self.dcap['left2right'] *= -1 def monstervisible(self): return not self.dcap['ring'] and not self.dcap['shield'] def getcurrenticons(self, imgtransform=''): if self.playing_fish: imgtransform = 'fish' icobubber = self.dcap.get('bubbericons', self.bubber) try: return icobubber.transformedicons[imgtransform] except KeyError: icons = icobubber.transformedicons[imgtransform] = {} icobubber.loadicons(imgtransform) return icons def normal_movements(self): yfp = 0.0 hfp = 0 angryticks = 0 mytime = 0 privatetime = 0 while 1: dcap = self.dcap self.poplist = [self] carrying = dcap['carrying'] while carrying and carrying[0][0] < BubPlayer.FrameCounter: timeout, bonus = carrying.pop(0) if bonus.endaction: bonus.endaction(self) del bonus bubber = self.bubber wannafire = bubber.getkey(dcap, 'key_fire') wannajump = bubber.getkey(dcap, 'key_jump') wannago = bubber.wannago(dcap) bottom_up = self.bottom_up() onground1 = (onground,underground)[bottom_up] if dcap['autofire']: wannafire = 1 if dcap['pinball']: wannajump = 1 if dcap['pinball'] > 1: if self.up: self.up *= 0.982 ** dcap['pinball'] if dcap['hotstuff']: if not wannago: if self.dir * (random.random()-0.07) < 0: wannago = -1 else: wannago = 1 wannafire = 1 if > (11 // dcap['hotstuff']): = 0 ## if dcap['hotstuff'] > 1 and random.random() < 0.4: ## from bubbles import FireDrop ## FireDrop(self.x + HALFCELL, self.y + HALFCELL) if wannago: self.dir = wannago * dcap['lookforward'] if self.x & 1: self.step(self.dir, 0) if dcap['slippy']: vx = dcap['vslippy'] if wannago: vx += wannago * 0.05 else: vx *= 0.95 if vx < 0.0: wannago = -1 else: wannago = 1 dcap['vslippy'] = vx mytime = (mytime+dcap['lookforward']) % 12 hfp += abs(vx) else: hfp += dcap['hspeed'] ## if self.glueddown: ## if wannajump or not dcap['nojump']: ## del self.glueddown ## else: ## # glued gliding movements ## self.step(self.x & 1, self.y & 1) ## if wannago: ## mytime = (mytime+dcap['lookforward']) % 12 ## else: ## hfp = 0 ## while hfp > 0 and self.glueddown: ## gx, gy = self.glueddown ## dx = wannago*gy ## dy = -wannago*gx ## x0 = (self.x + gx + dx) // CELL + 1 ## y0 = (self.y + gy + dy) // CELL + 1 ## if ' ' == bget(x0+dx, y0+dy) == bget(x0+dx-gx, y0+dy-gy): ## self.step(2*dx, 2*dy) ## # detached from this wall? ## x1 = (self.x + gx + dx) // CELL + 1 ## y1 = (self.y + gy + dy) // CELL + 1 ## if (' ' == bget(x1-dx+gx, y1-dy+gy) ## == bget(x0 +gx, y0 +gy) ## == bget(x0+dx+gx, y0+dy+gy)): ## if bget(x0-dx+gx, y0-dy+gy) != ' ': ## # rotate around the corner ## self.glueddown = -dx, -dy ## self.step(2*gx, 2*gy) ## else: ## del self.glueddown ## elif bget(x0-gx, y0-gy) == ' ': ## # attach to the wall into which we are running ## if (self.x*dx | self.y*dy) % CELL != 0: ## if ((((self.x-2*dx)*dx | (self.y-2*dy)*dy) & ## ((self.x-4*dx)*dx | (self.y-4*dy)*dy)) ## % CELL == 0): ## self.step(-2*dx, -2*dy) ## else: ## del self.glueddown ## else: ## self.glueddown = dx, dy ## else: ## del self.glueddown ## self.vertical_warp() ## hfp -= 0.82 # slightly faster than usual # normal left or right movements breakwalls = dcap['breakwalls'] while hfp > 0: hfp -= 1 dir = 0 if wannago == -1: x0 = (self.x+1)//CELL y0 = (self.y+4 - bottom_up*(CELL+4)) // CELL + 1 y0bis = (self.y+CELL-1) // CELL + 1 - bottom_up if bget(x0,y0) == ' ' == bget(x0,y0bis): dir = -1 elif breakwalls: self.breakwalls(x0, y0bis, -1) elif wannago == 1: x0 = (self.x-3)//CELL + 2 y0 = self.y // CELL + 1 - bottom_up y0bis = (self.y+CELL-1) // CELL + 1 - bottom_up if bget(x0,y0) == ' ' == bget(x0,y0bis): dir = +1 elif breakwalls: self.breakwalls(x0, y0bis, 1) self.step(2*dir, 0) if dir: mytime = (mytime+dcap['lookforward']) % 12 else: f = - dcap['vslippy'] * (dcap['slippy']+1)/3.0 dcap['vslippy'] = max(min(f, 10.0), -10.0) hfp = 0 onbubble = None if not dcap['infinite_shield']: touching = images.touching(self.x+1, self.y+1, 30, 30) touching.reverse() for s in touching: if s.touched(self): onbubble = s elif bubber.key_left or bubber.key_right or bubber.key_jump or bubber.key_fire: dcap['infinite_shield'] = 0 dir = self.dir icons = self.getcurrenticons('vflip' * bottom_up) if self.playing_fish: mode = self.one_fish_frame(onground1, bottom_up) elif self.up: # going up mode = 9 self.up -= dcap['gravity'] if (self.up,-self.up)[bottom_up] < 4.0: self.up = 0.0 mode = 10 else: ny = self.y + yfp - self.up self.move(self.x, int(ny)) yfp = ny - self.y self.vertical_warp() if wannago and dcap['teleport']: for t in self.teleport(wannago, icons, 0): yield t else: # going down or staying on ground if wannajump and onbubble: ground = True onbubble.dragon_jumped = True, bottom_up else: ground = onground1(self.x, self.y) if ground: if wannajump: if dcap['jumpdown'] and not onbubble: self.step(0, (1, -1)[bottom_up]) mode = 10 bubber.emotic(self, 4) else: yfp = 0.0 self.up = (7.5,-7.5)[bottom_up] mode = 9 else: mode = mytime // 4 if wannago and dcap['teleport']: for t in self.teleport(wannago, icons): yield t else: mode = 10 if dcap['fly']: self.fly_counter += 1 if self.fly_counter < dcap['fly']: ny = self.y else: del self.fly_counter ny = self.y+(1,-1)[bottom_up] else: ny = (self.y+(4,-1)[bottom_up]) & ~3 nx = self.x if nx < 32: nx += 2 elif nx > boards.bwidth - 64: nx -= 2 self.move(nx, ny) self.vertical_warp() if wannago and dcap['teleport']: for t in self.teleport(wannago, icons, 0): yield t if wannafire and not self.firenow() self.hatangle = 1 if if <= 5: mode = 3 self.hatangle = 2 elif <= 10: mode = 4 self.hatangle = 3 += 1 if >= 64 // dcap['firerate']: = 0 s = dcap['shield'] if s: if dcap['infinite_shield'] and s < 20: s += 4 s -= 1 if dcap['overlayglasses']: self.overlayyoffset = ({3: 2, 4: 0, 9: 3, 10: 5}.get(mode, 4) + self.playing_fish * 2) elif s & 2: mode = 11 dcap['shield'] = s if dcap['ring']:# and random.random() > 0.1: if dcap['ring'] > 1: mode = 12 else: mode = 11 self.seticon(icons[mode, dir]) self.watermoveable = not wannajump privatetime += BubPlayer.PlayersPrivateTime while privatetime >= 100: yield None privatetime -= 100 if self.angry: if angryticks == 0: s = ActiveSprite(icons[11, self.dir], self.x, self.y) s.gen.append(s.die([None], speed=10)) angryticks = 6 angryticks -= 1 #if BubPlayer.Moebius and BubPlayer.FrameCounter % 5 == 0: # s = ActiveSprite(icons[11, -self.dir], # boards.bwidth - 2*CELL - self.x, self.y) # s.gen.append(s.die([None], speed=2)) def teleport(self, wannago, icons, max_delta_y=CELL): #if self.dcap['shield']: # return from bonuses import Bonus, Megabonus best_dx = boards.bwidth centerx = self.x + self.ico.w // 2 basey = (self.y + self.ico.h + 8) & ~15 for s in images.ActiveSprites: if (isinstance(s, Bonus) and s.touchable and abs(s.y+s.ico.h - basey) <= max_delta_y and s.is_on_ground()): dx = (s.x + (wannago < 0 and s.ico.w)) - centerx if dx*wannago > 0: dx = abs(dx) + CELL if dx < best_dx: best_dx = dx best = s if not (42 <= best_dx < boards.bwidth): return self.up = 0.0 s = best dx = best_dx basey = s.y+s.ico.h desty = basey - self.ico.h dy_dx = float(desty - self.y) / dx self.dir = wannago ico = images.make_darker(icons[0, wannago], True) # speed up fx = self.x fy = self.y curdx = 0.0 stepx = 2.0 t = 0 while 1: if curdx < 0.5*dx: stepx *= 1.13 else: stepx /= 1.13 fx += wannago * stepx fy += dy_dx * stepx curdx += stepx if curdx >= dx or stepx < 2.0: fx += wannago * (dx - curdx) break self.move(int(fx), int(fy), ico) # make the target bonus bounce a bit if s.alive: dy = (t & 7) * 4 if dy > 16: dy = 32-dy s.move(s.x, basey - s.ico.h - dy) t += 1 yield None self.move(int(fx), desty) self.dcap['shield'] = 50 def breakwalls(self, x, y0, dir): if self.dcap['breakwalls'] > BubPlayer.FrameCounter: return # wait before breaking more walls if not (2 <= x < boards.curboard.width-2): return ys = [] for y in (y0, y0-1): if 0 <= y < boards.curboard.height and bget(x, y) == '#': ys.append(y) if len(ys) == 2: from bonuses import DustStar dir *= self.dcap['hspeed'] for y in ys: w = boards.curboard.killwall(x, y) s = ActiveSprite(w.ico, w.x, w.y) dxy = [dir+random.random()-0.5, -random.random()*3.0] DustStar(w.x, w.y, dxy[0], dxy[1], big=0) s.gen.append(s.parabolic(dxy)) self.dcap['breakwalls'] = BubPlayer.FrameCounter + 40 def enter_new_board(self): self.playing_fish = False self.lifegained = 0 def become_fish(self): self.playing_fish = True icons = self.getcurrenticons() self.seticon(icons[11, self.dir]) def one_fish_frame(self, onground1, bottom_up): if self.bubber.getkey(self.dcap, 'key_jump'): # swimming up self.step(0, (-2, 2)[bottom_up]) else: if random.random() < 0.05: bubbles.FishBubble(self) if not onground1(self.x, self.y): # swimming down ny = (self.y+(2,-1)[bottom_up]) & ~1 self.move(self.x, ny) self.vertical_warp() return ((BubPlayer.FrameCounter // 3) % 6) * 0.5 def to_front(self): ActiveSprite.to_front(self) if self.dcap['overlayglasses']: ico = images.sprget(('glasses', self.dir)) y = self.y + self.overlayyoffset if self.overlaysprite is None or not self.overlaysprite.alive: self.overlaysprite = images.ActiveSprite(ico, self.x, y) else: self.overlaysprite.to_front() self.overlaysprite.move(self.x, y, ico) self.overlaysprite.gen = [self.overlaysprite.die([None])] def bottom_up(self): return self.dcap['gravity'] < 0.0 def watermove(self, x, y): # for WaterCell.flooding() if self in BubPlayer.DragonList and self.watermoveable: self.watermoveable = 0 self.move(x, y) self.up = 0.0 if self.dcap['shield'] < 6: self.dcap['shield'] = 6 if <= 10: = 11 def become_monster(self, clsname, big=0, immed=0): if self in BubPlayer.DragonList: BubPlayer.DragonList.remove(self) import monsters, mnstrmap mcls = getattr(monsters, clsname) mdef = getattr(mnstrmap, clsname) m = mcls(mdef, self.x, self.y, self.dir, in_list=self.bubber.dragons) m.become_monster(self.bubber, self.dcap, big, immed) self.seticon(m.ico) self.gen = [self.killing()] def become_bubblingeyes(self, bubble): if self in BubPlayer.DragonList: self.bubber.emotic(self, 4) BubPlayer.DragonList.remove(self) import bubbles bubble.to_front() m = bubbles.BubblingEyes(self.bubber, self.dcap, bubble) self.bubber.dragons.append(m) self.gen = [self.killing()] return 1 else: return 0 def firenow(self): = 1 #if boards.curboard.wastingplay is None: shootbubbles = self.dcap['shootbubbles'] special_bubbles = shootbubbles and shootbubbles.pop() thrustfactors = None N = self.dcap['flower'] if N == 1: angles = [0] elif N > 1: angles = [i*(2.0*math.pi/N) for i in range(N)] self.dcap['flower'] = N*2//3 elif N > -16: # triple fire, possibly cumulative angles = [0] for i in range(1, -N+1): angles.append(i * 0.19) angles.append(i * -0.19) else: # heptuple fire c = 0.17 a = math.sqrt(1-c+c*c) alpha = math.atan2(math.sqrt(3)/2*c, 1-c/2) b = math.sqrt(1+c+c*c) beta = math.atan2(math.sqrt(3)/2*c, 1+c/2) angles = [0, 0, 0, alpha, -alpha, beta, -beta] thrustfactors = [1, 1-c, 1+c, a, a, b, b] dir = self.dir x = self.x ## if self.glueddown: ## gx, gy = self.glueddown ## dir = dir*gy ## if not dir: ## dir = 1 ## delta = self.dir*gx * math.pi/2 ## angles = [angle-delta for angle in angles] ## x -= 16 if self.dcap['hotstuff'] > 1: base = (random.random()-0.5)*math.pi angles = [a + base for a in angles] if self.dcap['bigflower'] is not None: N = 45 angle = BubPlayer.FrameCounter - self.dcap['bigflower'] if not (0 <= angle < N): self.dcap['bigflower'] = BubPlayer.FrameCounter angle = 0 angles = [-angle * (2.0*math.pi/N) * self.dir] thrustfactors = None = max(1, 64 // self.dcap['firerate'] - 2) if self.dcap['autofire'] >= 1: self.dcap['autofire'] -= 1 if not thrustfactors: thrustfactors = [None] * len(angles) import bonuses for angle, thrustfactor in zip(angles, thrustfactors): args = (self, x + 4*dir, self.y, dir, special_bubbles, angle, thrustfactor, self.dcap['shootthrust']) bonuses.record_shot(args) bubbles.DragonBubble(*args) #else: # from monsters import DragonShot # DragonShot(self) class BubPlayer(gamesrv.Player): # global state FrameCounter = 0 PlayerList = [] DragonList = [] MonsterList = [] LimitScore = 0 LimitScoreColor = None LimitTime = None PlayersPrivateTime = 100 SuperSheep = False SuperFish = False #HighScore = 0 #HighScoreColor = None INIT_BOARD_CAP = { #'LatestLetsGo': -999, 'BubblesBecome': None, 'MegaBonus': None, 'BaseFrametime': 1.0, 'LeaveBonus': None, ## 'Moebius': 0, 'OverridePlayerIcon': None, 'DisplayPoints': None, 'SuperSheep': False, 'SuperFish' : False, } TRANSIENT_DATA = ('_client', 'key_left', 'key_right', 'key_jump', 'key_fire', 'pn', 'nameicons', 'icons', 'transformedicons', 'standardplayericon', 'iconnames') FISH_MODE_MAP = {0: ('', 0), # swim 0.5: ('', 1), 1: ('', 2), 1.5: ('', 3), 2: ('', 2), 2.5: ('', 1), 3: ('', 4), # lancer de bulle 4: ('', 5), 5: ('', 3), # mort 6: ('cw', 3), 7: ('rot180', 3), 8: ('ccw', 3), 9: ('', 3), # saut, montant 10: ('', 3), # saut, descend 11: ('', 6), # shielded 12: 'black', } def __init__(self, n): = n self.icons = {} self.transformedicons = {'': self.icons} self.standardplayericon = images.sprget(GreenAndBlue.players[n][3]) self.iconnames = { (0, -1): GreenAndBlue.players[n][0], # walk (0, +1): GreenAndBlue.players[n][3], (1, -1): GreenAndBlue.players[n][1], (1, +1): GreenAndBlue.players[n][4], (2, -1): GreenAndBlue.players[n][2], (2, +1): GreenAndBlue.players[n][5], (3, -1): GreenAndBlue.players[n][6], # lancer de bulle (3, +1): GreenAndBlue.players[n][8], (4, -1): GreenAndBlue.players[n][7], (4, +1): GreenAndBlue.players[n][9], (5, -1): GreenAndBlue.players[n][0], # mort (5, +1): GreenAndBlue.players[n][0], (6, -1): GreenAndBlue.players[n][11], (6, +1): GreenAndBlue.players[n][10], (7, -1): GreenAndBlue.players[n][12], (7, +1): GreenAndBlue.players[n][12], (8, -1): GreenAndBlue.players[n][10], (8, +1): GreenAndBlue.players[n][11], (9, -1): GreenAndBlue.jumping_players[n][2], # saut, montant (9, +1): GreenAndBlue.jumping_players[n][3], (10,-1): GreenAndBlue.jumping_players[n][0], # saut, descend (10,+1): GreenAndBlue.jumping_players[n][1], (11,-1): 'shield-left', # shielded (11,+1): 'shield-right', (12,-1): 'black', # totally invisible (12,+1): 'black', } self.nameicons = [] = -1 self.reset() def reset(self): self.letters = {} #self.bonbons = 0 self.points = 0 self.nextextralife = self.lives = boards.get_lives() self.lifegained = 0 #self.badpoints = 0 self.pcap = {} self.dragons = [] self.keepalive = None self.stats = {'bubble': 0, 'die': 0} def loadicons(self, flip): icons = self.transformedicons[flip] if flip == 'fish': for dir in (-1, 1): for key, value in list(self.FISH_MODE_MAP.items()): if value == 'black': flip = '' else: flip, index = value value =[][index] if dir > 0: flip = flip or 'hflip' icons[key, dir] = images.sprget((flip, value)) else: for key, value in list(self.iconnames.items()): icons[key] = images.sprget((flip, value)) def setplayername(self, name): name = name.strip() for t in [0, 1]: if name.endswith('(%d)' % (t+1)): = t name = name[:-3].strip() #print "New player in team", t, "with name", name break else: = -1 #print "New player with no team:", name icons = [images.sprcharacterget(c) for c in name] self.nameicons = [ico for ico in icons if ico is not None][:16] self.nameicons.reverse() scoreboard() def playerjoin(self): n = if not self.icons: self.loadicons(flip='') self.keepalive = None if self.points or self.letters: print('New player continues at position #%d.' % n) else: print('New player is at position #%d.' % n) self.reset() self.key_left = 0 self.key_right = 0 self.key_jump = 0 self.key_fire = 0 players = [p for p in BubPlayer.PlayerList if p.isplaying() and p is not self] self.enterboard(players) scoreboard() #if BubPlayer.LatestLetsGo < BubPlayer.FrameCounter - 30: #BubPlayer.LatestLetsGo = BubPlayer.FrameCounter def playerleaves(self): print('Closing position #%d.' % self.savecaps() self.zarkoff() self.keepalive = time.time() + KEEPALIVE scoreboard() def sameteam(self, other): return != -1 and == def enterboard(self, players): players = [p for p in players if not p.sameteam(self)] leftplayers = [p for p in players if p.start_left] rightplayers = [p for p in players if not p.start_left] self.start_left = (len(leftplayers) + random.random() < len(rightplayers) + random.random()) self.lifegained = 0 def savecaps(self): self.pcap = {} dragons = self.dragons if dragons: for key, minimum in list(Dragon.SAVE_CAP.items()): self.pcap[key] = max(minimum, max([d.dcap[key] for d in dragons])) def zarkoff(self): for d in self.dragons[:]: d.kill() del self.dragons[:] def zarkon(self): if self.key_left + self.key_right >= 1999997: for dragon in self.dragons: self.emotic(dragon, 6) self.key_left = self.key_right = 900000 if self.key_left: self.key_left -= 1 if self.key_right: self.key_right -= 1 if self.key_jump: self.key_jump -= 1 if self.key_fire: self.key_fire -= 1 #if self.badpoints and not (self.FrameCounter & 7): # percent = (int(self.points*0.0000333)+1) * 100 # decr = min(self.badpoints, percent) # self.badpoints -= decr # self.givepoints(-decr) if boards.curboard and not self.dragons and self.lives != 0: #wasting = boards.curboard.wastingplay #if wasting is not None and self in wasting: # return if self.start_left: x0 = 3*CELL dir = 1 else: x0 = boards.bwidth - 5*CELL dir = -1 y = boards.bheight - 3*CELL for x in [x0, x0+4*dir, x0+8*dir, x0+12*dir, x0+16*dir, x0-4*dir, x0-8*dir, x0]: if onground(x,y): for d in BubPlayer.DragonList: if d.y == y and abs(d.x-x) <= 5: break else: break self.dragons.append(Dragon(self, x, y, dir)) for key in list(self.pcap.keys()): if key not in ('teleport', 'jumpdown'): del self.pcap[key] def kLeft(self): if self.key_left <= 1: self.key_left = 1000000 def kmLeft(self): self.key_left = (self.key_left == 1000000) def kRight(self): if self.key_right <= 1: self.key_right = 1000000 def kmRight(self): self.key_right = (self.key_right == 1000000) def kJump(self): if self.key_jump <= 1: self.key_jump = 1000000 def kmJump(self): self.key_jump = (self.key_jump == 1000000) def kFire(self): if self.key_fire <= 1: self.key_fire = 1000000 def kmFire(self): self.key_fire = (self.key_fire == 1000000) def bubberdie(self): self.stats['die'] += 1 if self.lives is not None and self.lives > 0: self.lives -= 1 scoreboard() def getkey(self, dcap, key_name): return getattr(self, dcap[key_name]) def setkey(self, dcap, key_name, value): setattr(self, dcap[key_name], value) def wannago(self, dcap): return dcap['left2right'] * cmp(self.getkey(dcap, 'key_right'), self.getkey(dcap, 'key_left')) def turn_single_shot(self, dcap): for name in ('key_left', 'key_right'): n = self.getkey(dcap, name) if n < 999997 and n != 1: self.setkey(dcap, name, 0) wannago = self.wannago(dcap) for name in ('key_left', 'key_right'): self.setkey(dcap, name, 0) return wannago def givepoints(self, points): self.points += points if self.points < 0: self.points = 0 while self.points >= self.nextextralife: if self.lives is not None and self.lives > 0: if is None or self.lifegained < if self.dragons: dragon = random.choice(self.dragons) else: self.lives += 1 self.lifegained += 1 self.nextextralife += if self.LimitScoreColor is not None and self.points >= self.LimitScore: boards.replace_boardgen(boards.game_over(), 1) #if self.points > BubPlayer.HighScore: # BubPlayer.HighScore = self.points # BubPlayer.HighScoreColor = scoreboard() def giveletter(self, l, promize=100000): #logf = open('log', 'a') #print >> logf 'giveletter %d:' %, l #logf.close() lettername = bubbles.extend_name(l) if lettername not in self.letters: self.letters[lettername] = 1 ## nimage = getattr(LetterBubbles, lettername) ## x0, y0 = self.infocoords() ## s = images.ActiveSprite(images.sprget(nimage[1]), x0+l*(CELL-1), y0 - 3*CELL) ## s.gen.append(s.cyclic([nimage[1], nimage[2], nimage[1], nimage[0]], 7)) scoreboard() if len(self.letters) == 6: import monsters monsters.argh_em_all() import bonuses if self.dragons: for i in range(3): dragon = random.choice(self.dragons) bonuses.starexplosion(dragon.x, dragon.y, 1) for lettername in self.letters: dragon = random.choice(self.dragons) nimages = getattr(LetterBubbles, lettername) bonuses.Parabolic2(dragon.x, dragon.y, nimages) dragon = random.choice(self.dragons) music = [images.music_old] boards.replace_boardgen(boards.last_monster_killed(460, music)) self.givepoints(promize) def emotic(self, dragon, strenght): bottom_up = hasattr(dragon, 'bottom_up') and dragon.bottom_up() vshift = getattr(dragon, 'up', 0.0) for i in range(7): angle = math.pi/6 * i dx, dy = -math.cos(angle), -math.sin(angle) nx = random.randrange(3,12)*dx ny = random.randrange(3,9)*dy - 12 if bottom_up: dy = -dy ny = -ny e = ActiveSprite(images.sprget(('vflip'*bottom_up, ('emotic', i))), int(dragon.x + 8 + nx), int(dragon.y + 8 + ny - vshift)) e.gen.append(e.straightline((3.3+random.random())*dx, (2.3+random.random())*dy)) e.gen.append(e.die([None], strenght)) def upgrade(p): p.__class__ = BubPlayer p.key_left = 0 p.key_right = 0 p.key_jump = 0 p.key_fire = 0 p.dragons = [] def xyiconumber(digits, x, y, pts, lst, width=7): if pts >= 10**width: pts = 10**width-1 for l in range(width): ico = images.sprget(digits[pts % 10]) lst.append((x + (ico.w+1)*(width-1-l), y, ico)) pts = pts//10 if not pts: break return lst[-1][0] def scoreboard(reset=0, inplace=0, compresslimittime=0): endgame = 1 if reset: for p in BubPlayer.PlayerList: if inplace: for s in list(p.letters.values()): if isinstance(s, ActiveSprite): s.kill() if len(p.letters) == 6: p.letters.clear() for key in p.letters: p.letters[key] = 2 brd = boards.curboard if not brd or not gamesrv.sprites_by_n: return lst = [] bubblesshown = {} plist = [] teamslist = [[], []] teamspoints = [0, 0] for p in BubPlayer.PlayerList: if p.isplaying(): if p.lives != 0: endgame = 0 else: if not p.keepalive: continue if p.keepalive < time.time(): p.reset() continue if BubPlayer.DisplayPoints is not None: points = BubPlayer.DisplayPoints(p) else: points = p.points if == -1: plist.append((points, p, None)) else: teamslist[].append((points,p)) teamspoints[] += points teamslist[0].sort() teamslist[1].sort() plist.append((teamspoints[0], None, teamslist[0])) plist.append((teamspoints[1], None, teamslist[1])) plist.sort() x0 = boards.bwidth y0 = boards.bheight for score, p, t in plist: if p: if p.lives == 0: ico = images.sprget(GreenAndBlue.gameover[][0]) elif p.icons: if p.isplaying(): mode = 0 else: mode = 11 ico = BubPlayer.OverridePlayerIcon or p.icons[mode, -1] lst.append((x0+9*CELL-ico.w, y0-ico.h, ico)) #if boards.curboard.wastingplay is None: for l in range(6): name = bubbles.extend_name(l) if name in p.letters: x, y = x0+l*(CELL-1), y0-3*CELL imglist = getattr(LetterBubbles, name) ico = images.sprget(imglist[1]) if in (0, 1): s = p.letters[name] if (isinstance(s, ActiveSprite) and BubPlayer.FrameCounter <= s.timeout): s.move(x, y) bubblesshown[s] = 1 continue if s == 1: s = ActiveSprite(ico, x, y) s.setimages(s.cyclic([imglist[0], imglist[1], imglist[2], imglist[1]])) s.timeout = BubPlayer.FrameCounter + 500 p.letters[name] = s bubblesshown[s] = 1 continue lst.append((x, y, ico)) ## else: ## ico = images.sprget(Bonuses.blue_sugar) ## lst.append((x0+12, y0-3*CELL-8, ico)) ## xyiconumber(DigitsMisc.digits_white, x0-19, y0-3*CELL+5, ## p.bonbons, lst) xyiconumber(GreenAndBlue.digits[], x0+2, y0-18, score, lst) if p.lives is not None and p.lives > 0: xyiconumber(DigitsMisc.digits_white, x0+7*CELL, y0-18, p.lives, lst, width=2) x = x0+13*HALFCELL for ico in p.nameicons: x -= 7 lst.append((x, y0-35, ico)) y0 -= 7*HALFCELL else: # Team for pscore, p in t: if p.lives == 0: ico = images.sprget(GreenAndBlue.gameover[][0]) elif p.icons: if p.isplaying(): mode = 0 else: mode = 11 ico = BubPlayer.OverridePlayerIcon or p.icons[mode, -1] lst.append((x0+9*CELL-ico.w, y0-ico.h, ico)) for l in range(6): name = bubbles.extend_name(l) if name in p.letters: x, y = x0+l*(CELL-1), y0-2*CELL imglist = getattr(LetterBubbles, name) ico = images.sprget(imglist[1]) if in (0, 1): s = p.letters[name] if (isinstance(s, ActiveSprite) and BubPlayer.FrameCounter <= s.timeout): s.move(x, y) bubblesshown[s] = 1 continue if s == 1: s = ActiveSprite(ico, x, y) s.setimages(s.cyclic([imglist[0], imglist[1], imglist[2], imglist[1]])) s.timeout = BubPlayer.FrameCounter + 500 p.letters[name] = s bubblesshown[s] = 1 continue lst.append((x, y, ico)) x = x0+13*HALFCELL for ico in p.nameicons: x -= 7 lst.append((x, y0-19, ico)) y0 -= 4*HALFCELL if t != []: xyiconumber(GreenAndBlue.digits[t[-1][1].pn], x0+2, y0-18, score, lst) ico = images.sprget(('hat',, -1, 1)) lst.append((x0+9*CELL-ico.w, y0-ico.h+16, ico)) y0 -= 5*HALFCELL for p in BubPlayer.PlayerList: for name, s in list(p.letters.items()): if isinstance(s, ActiveSprite) and s not in bubblesshown: p.letters[name] = 2 s.kill() compressable = len(lst) #if BubPlayer.HighScoreColor is not None: # x = xyiconumber(GreenAndBlue.digits[BubPlayer.HighScoreColor], # x0+2*CELL, HALFCELL, BubPlayer.HighScore, lst) # ico = images.sprget(GreenAndBlue.players[BubPlayer.HighScoreColor][3]) # lst.append((x-5*HALFCELL, 1, ico)) if BubPlayer.LimitScoreColor is not None: xyiconumber(GreenAndBlue.digits[BubPlayer.LimitScoreColor], x0+2*CELL, HALFCELL, BubPlayer.LimitScore, lst) if BubPlayer.LimitTime is not None: seconds = int(BubPlayer.LimitTime) xyiconumber(DigitsMisc.digits_white, x0+2*CELL, HALFCELL, seconds // 60, lst, width=3) ico = images.sprget('colon') lst.append((x0+5*CELL-1, HALFCELL+1, ico)) seconds = seconds % 60 ico = images.sprget(DigitsMisc.digits_white[seconds // 10]) lst.append((x0+6*CELL, HALFCELL, ico)) ico = images.sprget(DigitsMisc.digits_white[seconds % 10]) lst.append((x0+6*CELL+ico.w, HALFCELL, ico)) ymin = HALFCELL + ico.h elif compresslimittime: ico = images.sprget(DigitsMisc.digits_white[0]) ymin = HALFCELL + ico.h else: ymin = 0 if not brd.bonuslevel: if brd.num < 99: xyiconumber(DigitsMisc.digits_white, 2, 2, brd.num+1, lst, width=2) else: xyiconumber(DigitsMisc.digits_white, 2, 2, brd.num+1, lst, width=3) # compress the scoreboard vertically if it doesn't fit ymin += HALFCELL if y0 < ymin: factor = float(boards.bheight-ymin) / (boards.bheight-y0) shift = ymin - y0*factor + 0.5 for i in range(compressable): x, y, ico = lst[i] lst[i] = x, int((y+ico.h)*factor+shift)-ico.h, ico brd.writesprites('scoreboard', lst) if in (0, 1): = endgame # initialize global board data def reset_global_board_state(): for key, value in list(BubPlayer.INIT_BOARD_CAP.items()): setattr(BubPlayer, key, value) reset_global_board_state()