from __future__ import generators import os, random, math import images, gamesrv from images import ActiveSprite import boards from boards import CELL from player import Dragon, BubPlayer, scoreboard from bubbles import Bubble from bonuses import Bonus from mnstrmap import PlayerBubbles from mnstrmap import Monky import bonuses from ext6 import snd_crash LocalDir = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(__file__)) ANGLE_COUNT = 24 ANGLE_STEP = 360 / ANGLE_COUNT ANGLE_TABLE = {} for i in range(ANGLE_COUNT): a = i*ANGLE_STEP*math.pi/180.0 ANGLE_TABLE[i*ANGLE_STEP] = (math.cos(a), math.sin(a)) localmap = {} for i in range(ANGLE_COUNT): localmap['camel', i] = ('image1-%d.ppm', (0, i*36, 36, 36)) music = gamesrv.getmusic(os.path.join(LocalDir, 'music.wav')) snd_fire = gamesrv.getsample(os.path.join(LocalDir, 'fire.wav')) snd_hit = gamesrv.getsample(os.path.join(LocalDir, 'hit.wav')) class Plane(ActiveSprite): lock = None def __init__(self, camel, bubber, dcap, x, y, dirhint=None): self.bubber = bubber self.dcap = dcap self.camel = camel self.shotlist = camel.score.setdefault(bubber, {}) if x < x_min: x = x_min elif x > x_max: x = x_max if y < 4*CELL: y = 4*CELL elif y > (curboard.height-4)*CELL - 36: y = (curboard.height-4)*CELL - 36 if dirhint not in (1, -1): controldelay = 5 if x < boards.bwidth//2: dir = 1 else: dir = -1 else: controldelay = 20 if x < boards.bwidth//3: dir = 1 elif x >= boards.bwidth*2//3: dir = -1 else: dir = dirhint if dir > 0: self.angle = 0 self.flipped = False else: self.angle = 180 self.flipped = True ActiveSprite.__init__(self, self.getico(), x, y) self.fx = self.x self.fy = self.y self.controlgen = self.control(delay=controldelay) self.gen.append( self.gen.append(self.controlgen) self.gen.append(self.blink()) self.gen.append(self.bob()) def controlled(self): return self.controlgen in self.gen def getico(self): a = self.angle // ANGLE_STEP if self.flipped: if a: a = ANGLE_COUNT-a key = 'vflip', ('camel', a, else: key = 'camel', a, return images.sprget(key) def blink(self): for i in range(10): yield None yield None self.setdisplaypos(-256, -256) yield None self.setdisplaypos(-256, -256) yield None self.touchable = 1 def bob(self): f = 3.0 for i in range(0, 1080, ANGLE_STEP): self.fy += f * ANGLE_TABLE[i % 360][1] f *= 0.98 yield None ## def loosealtitude(self, y0, angle0): ## if 90 <= angle0 < 270 or (angle0 == 270 and not self.flipped): ## angledir = -1 ## else: ## angledir = 1 ## for i in range(0, 180, ANGLE_STEP): ## if i % (4*ANGLE_STEP) == 0 and not (45 <= angle0 <= 135): ## angle0 += ANGLE_STEP * angledir ## angle0 = (angle0 + 360) % 360 ## y0 += 4.0 * ANGLE_TABLE[i][1] ## if y0 > self.fy: ## self.fy = y0 ## self.angle = angle0 ## yield None def turn(self, dir): self.angle += ANGLE_STEP * dir self.angle = (self.angle + 360) % 360 def control(self, delay=0): bubber = self.bubber prev_key_jump = 0 for i in range(delay): yield None shootdelay = 0 while True: wannago = bubber.wannago(self.dcap) self.turn(wannago) if shootdelay: shootdelay -= 1 elif bubber.key_fire: x = self.x + self.ico.w//2 y = self.y + self.ico.h//2 acos, asin = ANGLE_TABLE[self.angle] x += acos * 20 y += asin * 20 if self.flipped: acos = -acos asin = -asin x -= asin * 5 y += acos * 5 Shot(self, int(x), int(y), self.angle, 2) Shot(self, int(x), int(y), self.angle) shootdelay = 7 for i in range(2): if bubber.key_jump > prev_key_jump: self.flipped = not self.flipped prev_key_jump = bubber.key_jump yield None for s in self.touching(12): if isinstance(s, Plane) and s is not self: ico = images.sprget(Monky.decay_weapon[1]) s1 = ActiveSprite(ico, (self.x+s.x)//2 + self.ico.w//2 - CELL, (self.y+s.y)//2 + self.ico.h//2 - CELL) s1.gen.append(s1.die(Monky.decay_weapon[1:], 4)) self.gen = [self.godowninflames(s)] s.gen = [s.godowninflames(self)] def fly(self, speed=3.3): while True: if (self.y < 0 and not (0 < self.angle < 180) and ((abs(270 - self.angle) < -4*self.y) or random.random() < 0.2)): if (90 <= self.angle < 270 or (self.angle == 270 and not self.flipped)): self.turn(-1) else: self.turn(1) ico = self.getico() acos, asin = ANGLE_TABLE[self.angle] self.fx += acos * speed self.fy += asin * speed self.move(int(self.fx), int(self.fy), ico) if self.x < x_min: self.angle = 2 * ANGLE_STEP self.flipped = not self.flipped self.gen = [self.godowninflames()] elif self.x > x_max: self.angle = 180 - 2 * ANGLE_STEP self.flipped = not self.flipped self.gen = [self.godowninflames()] elif self.y > y_max: self.gen = [self.crashed()] yield None def godowninflames(self, hit_by_plane=None): if hit_by_plane and hit_by_plane in self.shotlist: hittime = self.shotlist[hit_by_plane] if BubPlayer.FrameCounter < hittime + 60: del self.shotlist[hit_by_plane] scoreboard() self.seticon(self.getico()) self.gen.append( trail = [(self.x, self.y)] * 7 ico = images.sprget(PlayerBubbles.explosion[0]) s = ActiveSprite(ico, self.x + self.ico.w//2 - CELL, self.y + self.ico.h//2 - CELL) s.gen.append(s.die(PlayerBubbles.explosion)) self.bubber.emotic(self, 4) while True: yield None if random.random() < 0.37: ico = images.sprget(Bubble.exploding_bubbles[0]) x, y = random.choice(trail) x += random.randint(-10, 10) y += random.randint(-10, 10) s = ActiveSprite(ico, x+2, y+2) s.gen.append(s.die(Bubble.exploding_bubbles)) if random.random() < 0.5: yield None if 90 <= self.angle < 270: lst = [0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1] else: lst = [0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1] self.turn(random.choice(lst)) trail.pop(0) trail.append((self.x, self.y)) def crashed(self): self.untouchable() ico = images.sprget(Monky.decay_weapon[1]) self.seticon(ico) self.step(self.ico.w//2 - CELL, self.ico.h//2 - CELL) self.gen.append(self.die(Monky.decay_weapon[1:], 4)) yield None def kill(self): try: self.bubber.dragons.remove(self) except ValueError: pass ActiveSprite.kill(self) class Shot(ActiveSprite): def __init__(self, plane, x, y, angle, steps=0): ico = images.sprcharacterget('.') ActiveSprite.__init__(self, ico, x-4, y-12) self.plane = plane self.angle = angle self.gen.append(self.moving(steps)) def moving(self, steps=0): minx = 2*CELL - 4 maxx = (curboard.width-2)*CELL - 4 maxy = (curboard.height-1)*CELL - 12 fx = self.x fy = self.y dx, dy = ANGLE_TABLE[self.angle] dx *= 7.6 dy *= 7.6 fx += dx * steps fy += dy * steps for i in range(22-steps): for s in images.touching(self.x+3, self.y+11, 2, 2): if isinstance(s, Plane) and s is not self.plane: self.kill() if s.controlled(): s.gen = [s.godowninflames(self.plane)] self.plane.shotlist[s] = BubPlayer.FrameCounter bonuses.points(self.x + 4 - CELL, self.y + 12 - CELL, self.plane, 100) return fx += dx fy += dy self.move(int(fx), int(fy)) if self.x < minx or self.x > maxx or self.y > maxy: break yield None self.kill() class Camel: def bgen(self, limittime = 90.1): # 1:30 self.score = {} for t in boards.initsubgame(music, self.displaypoints): yield t tc = boards.TimeCounter(limittime) for t in self.frame(tc): t = boards.normal_frame() self.build_planes() yield t tc.update(t) if (BubPlayer.FrameCounter & 15) == 7: for s in images.ActiveSprites: if isinstance(s, Bubble): s.pop() elif isinstance(s, Bonus): s.kill() tc.restore() score = {} for player, shotlist in self.score.items(): score[player] = len(shotlist) for t in boards.result_ranking(score): for p in BubPlayer.PlayerList: for d in p.dragons[:]: d.kill() yield t self.remove_planes() def displaypoints(self, bubber): return len(self.score.get(bubber, ())) def build_planes(self): for p in BubPlayer.PlayerList: dragons = [d for d in p.dragons if not isinstance(d, Plane)] if dragons and len(p.dragons) == len(dragons): dragon = random.choice(dragons) if dragon.dcap['infinite_shield']: start_position = self.select_start_position() dirhint = None else: start_position = dragon.x-2, dragon.y-2 dirhint = getattr(dragon, 'dir', None) plane = Plane(self, p, dragon.dcap, start_position[0], start_position[1], dirhint) p.dragons.append(plane) p.emotic(plane, 4) for d in dragons: d.kill() def remove_planes(self): for p in BubPlayer.PlayerList: for d in p.dragons[:]: d.kill() def select_start_position(self): planes = [d for p in BubPlayer.PlayerList for d in p.dragons if isinstance(d, Plane)] distmin = 180 while True: x = random.choice([x_min, x_max]) y = random.randint(2*CELL, (curboard.height-4)*CELL - 36) for d in planes: dist = (x-d.x)*(x-d.x) + (y-d.y)*(y-d.y) if dist < distmin*distmin: break else: return x, y distmin = int(distmin * 0.94) def frame(self, tc): y = curboard.height-1 for x in range(2, curboard.width-2): if (y, x) not in curboard.walls_by_pos: curboard.putwall(x, y) curboard.reorder_walls() for y in range(0, curboard.height-1): yield None for x in range(2, curboard.width-2): if (y, x) in curboard.walls_by_pos: curboard.killwall(x, y) while tc.time != 0.0: yield None # This game is suitable for at least min_players players min_players = 2 def run(): global curboard, x_min, x_max, y_max from boards import curboard x_min = 2*CELL - 3 x_max = (curboard.width-2)*CELL - 36 + 3 y_max = (curboard.height-1)*CELL - 36 + 7 boards.replace_boardgen(Camel().bgen()) def setup(): for key, (filename, rect) in localmap.items(): filename = os.path.join(LocalDir, filename) if filename.find('%d') >= 0: for p in BubPlayer.PlayerList: images.sprmap[key + (,)] = (filename %, rect) else: images.sprmap[key] = (filename, rect) setup()