from __future__ import generators import os, math, random import images, gamesrv from images import ActiveSprite import boards from boards import CELL, HALFCELL, bget from mnstrmap import GreenAndBlue, Fire from bonuses import Bonus from player import Dragon, BubPlayer import monsters from bubbles import Bubble LocalDir = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(__file__)) localmap = { 'gala': ('image1-%d.ppm', (0, 0, 32, 32)), } music = gamesrv.getmusic(os.path.join(LocalDir, 'music.wav')) snd_shoot = gamesrv.getsample(os.path.join(LocalDir, 'shoot.wav')) class Ship(ActiveSprite): def __init__(self, galaga, bubber, x, y): ico = images.sprget(('gala', ActiveSprite.__init__(self, ico, x, y) self.galaga = galaga self.bubber = bubber self.gen.append(self.movedown()) self.gen.append(self.playing_ship()) self.gen.append(self.doomed()) self.galaga.ships.append(self) def movedown(self): import boards target_y = boards.bheight - self.ico.h while self.y < target_y: yield None self.move(self.x, self.y + 3) self.move(self.x, target_y) def playing_ship(self): import boards bubber = self.bubber xmin = HALFCELL xmax = boards.bwidth - HALFCELL - self.ico.w fire = 0 while 1: wannago = bubber.wannago(self.dcap) nx = self.x + 2*wannago if nx < xmin: nx = xmin elif nx > xmax: nx = xmax self.move(nx, self.y) if fire: fire -= 1 elif bubber.key_fire: self.firenow() fire = 28 yield None def firenow(self): ico = images.sprget(GreenAndBlue.new_bubbles[][0]) s = Shot(ico, self.x, self.y) s.d = self s.gen = [s.straightup(self)] def doomed(self): dangerous = Alien, monsters.MonsterShot while 1: touching = images.touching(self.x+3, self.y+3, 26, 26) for s in touching: if isinstance(s, dangerous): self.kill() return yield None yield None def kill(self): try: self.bubber.dragons.remove(self) except ValueError: pass, pad=0.0), pad=1.0) ico = images.sprget(Bubble.exploding_bubbles[0]) for i in range(11): s = ActiveSprite(ico, self.x + random.randrange(self.ico.w) - CELL, self.y + random.randrange(self.ico.h) - CELL) s.gen.append(s.die(Bubble.exploding_bubbles)) try: self.galaga.ships.remove(self) except ValueError: pass ActiveSprite.kill(self) class Shot(Bubble): touchable = 0 def straightup(self, ship): ymin = -self.ico.h while self.y > ymin: self.step(0, -10) touching = images.touching(self.x+CELL-1, self.y+CELL-1, 2, 2) touching = [s for s in touching if isinstance(s, Alien)] if touching: alien = random.choice(touching) self.gen = [] self.touchable = 1 self.move(alien.x, alien.y) self.pop([ship]) alien.kill() scores = ship.galaga.scores scores[ship.bubber] = scores.get(ship.bubber, 0) + 1 ship.bubber.givepoints(100) return yield None def popped(self, dragon): return 200 class Alien(monsters.Monster): ANGLES = 32 SPEED = 5 ANGLE_TABLE = [(5 * math.cos(a*2.0*math.pi/32), -5 * math.sin(a*2.0*math.pi/32)) for a in range(ANGLES)] touchable = 0 def __init__(self, galaga, squadron, rank, relativey): centerx = boards.bwidth // 2 go_left = squadron % 2 dx = (1,-1)[go_left] halfspan = centerx*7//12 relativex = - halfspan + 4*CELL*rank if relativex > halfspan: raise StopIteration if squadron % 3 == 2: from mnstrmap import Ghosty as mcls else: from mnstrmap import Flappy as mcls mdef = mcls(centerx // CELL - 1, -7, go_left) mdef.left_weapon = mdef.right_weapon = [Fire.drop] monsters.Monster.__init__(self, mdef) self.path = [(None, centerx + (dx*centerx)*2//3, boards.bheight//3), (None, centerx - (dx*centerx)*4//5, boards.bheight//6), (galaga, -dx*relativex, -relativey)] self.gen = [self.waiting(rank * 20)] self.in_place = 0 galaga.nbmonsters += 1 def default_mode(self, angle=ANGLES//4): self.touchable = 1 speed = self.SPEED relative, tx, ty = self.path[0] fx = self.x fy = self.y ymax = boards.bheight - self.ico.h cont = 1 if relative: shoot_prob = 0.0085 else: shoot_prob = 0.021 while cont: if self.angry: self.kill() # never getting out of a bubble return if relative: dx = relative.globalx + tx dy = relative.globaly + ty else: dx = tx dy = ty dx -= self.x dy -= self.y tests = [] for a1 in (-1, 0, 1): a1 = (angle+a1) % self.ANGLES testx, testy = self.ANGLE_TABLE[a1] testx -= dx testy -= dy tests.append((testx*testx+testy*testy, a1)) ignored, angle = min(tests) if dx*dx+dy*dy > speed*speed: dx, dy = self.ANGLE_TABLE[angle] elif relative: self.in_place = 1 if self.y > ymax and relative.ships: for ship in relative.ships[:]: ship.kill() relative.builddelay[ship.bubber] = 9999 relative.gameover = 1 #x0 = self.x//CELL + 1 #if x0 < 2: x0 = 0 #if x0 >= boards.width-2: x0 = boards.width-3 #bubbles.FireFlame(x0, boards.height-2, None, [-1, 1], # boards.width) else: self.path.pop(0) self.gen.append(self.default_mode(angle)) cont = 0 fx += dx fy += dy self.move(int(fx), int(fy)) if dx and (self.dir > 0) != (dx > 0): self.dir = -self.dir self.resetimages() if random.random() < shoot_prob and self.y >= 0: monsters.DownShot(self) yield None class Galaga: gameover = 0 def bgen(self): self.scores = {} for t in boards.initsubgame(music, self.displaypoints): yield t self.ships = [] self.builddelay = {} self.nbmonsters = 0 #finish = 0 for t in self.frame(): t = boards.normal_frame() self.build_ships() yield t #if len(self.ships) == 0: # finish += 1 # if finish == 50: # break #else: # finish = 0 if (BubPlayer.FrameCounter & 15) == 7: for s in images.ActiveSprites: if isinstance(s, Bubble) and not isinstance(s, Shot): s.pop() for t in boards.result_ranking(self.scores, self.nbmonsters): self.build_ships() yield t for s in images.ActiveSprites[:]: if isinstance(s, (Alien, Ship)): s.kill() def displaypoints(self, bubber): return self.scores.get(bubber, 0) def frame(self): curboard.walls_by_pos.clear() curboard.winds = ['v' * curboard.width] * curboard.height for y in range(len(curboard.walls)): curboard.walls[y] = ' ' * len(curboard.walls[y]) l1 = curboard.sprites['walls'] l2 = curboard.sprites['borderwalls'] while l1 or l2: for l in [l1, l2]: for w in l[:]: w.step(0, 5) if w.y >= boards.bheight: l.remove(w) w.kill() yield None self.globalx = boards.bwidth // 2 self.globaly = 0 shifter = self.shifter() squadrons = len([p for p in BubPlayer.PlayerList if p.isplaying()]) squadrons = 3 + (squadrons+1)//3 nextsquad = 0 relativey = 0 squadtime = 0 while not self.gameover: yield None #if random.random() < 0.015: # bubbles.sendbubble(bubbles.PlainBubble, top=0) in_place = {0: [], 1: [], 2: []} for s in BubPlayer.MonsterList: if isinstance(s, Alien): in_place[s.in_place].append(s) toohigh = self.globaly - relativey < -3*CELL if in_place[1]: xbounds = [s.x for s in in_place[1]] self.alien_bounds = min(xbounds), max(xbounds) elif toohigh: self.globaly += 1 squadtime -= 1 if nextsquad >= squadrons: if not (in_place[0] or in_place[1]): break elif squadtime < 0 and not toohigh: squadtime = 200 try: rank = 0 while 1: Alien(self, nextsquad, rank, relativey) rank += 1 except StopIteration: pass nextsquad += 1 relativey += 4*CELL for t in range(20): yield None def shifter(self): while 1: # go right while self.alien_bounds[1] < boards.bwidth-5*CELL: self.globalx += 2 yield None # go down for i in range(3*CELL): self.globaly += 1 yield None # go left while self.alien_bounds[0] > 3*CELL: self.globalx -= 2 yield None # go down for i in range(3*CELL): self.globaly += 1 yield None def build_ships(self): for p in BubPlayer.PlayerList: dragons = [d for d in p.dragons if not isinstance(d, Ship)] if dragons and len(p.dragons) == len(dragons): if self.builddelay.get(p): self.builddelay[p] -= 1 else: self.builddelay[p] = 75 dragon = random.choice(dragons) ship = Ship(self, p, dragon.x, dragon.y) ship.dcap = dragon.dcap p.dragons.append(ship) p.emotic(dragon, 4) for d in dragons: d.kill() # This game is suitable for at least min_players players min_players = 1 def run(): global curboard from boards import curboard boards.replace_boardgen(Galaga().bgen()) def setup(): for key, (filename, rect) in localmap.items(): filename = os.path.join(LocalDir, filename) if filename.find('%d') >= 0: for p in BubPlayer.PlayerList: images.sprmap[key,] = (filename %, rect) else: images.sprmap[key] = (filename, rect) setup()