****************** Olimex ESP32-PRO ****************** Notes on the ESP32-PRO_ boards from olimex. .. _ESP32-PRO: https://www.olimex.com/Products/IoT/ESP32/ESP32-PRO/open-source-hardware Arduino ======= Version 1.8 of Arduino (as installed from Debian packages) is ok. Setup ----- * Under File → Preferences, add the espressif URL to the Additional Boards Manager URLs field. (on 2024-09-04 that's ``https://dl.espressif.com/dl/package_esp32_index.json``). * Under Tools → Board → Boards Manager install a suitable version of esp32 by Espressif Systems: on 2024-10-04 version 3.0.2 worked. .. note:: As of September 2023 there was a bug in the Espressif esp32 package for Arduino that meant that it wasn't working with the Olimex ESP32-PRO board, the workaround was to use Version 2.0.9 of the package; this has been fixed at some point before version 3.0.2. Programming ----------- These are the settings used: :Board: OLIMEX ESP32-EVB :Upload Speed: 115200 :Flash Frequency: 80MHz :Partition Scheme: Default :Core Debug Level: None :Erase All Flash Before Sketch Upload: Disabled Troubleshooting --------------- When using the Arduino serial monitor note that you may have to send some data before it will start receiving from the board. See also -------- * ``_ .. vim: set filetype=rst: