************ Maple Mini ************ Programming with OpenOCD ======================== The Maple Mini can be programmed using OpenOCD_ and a suitable programmer. .. _OpenOCD: https://openocd.sourceforge.io/ To program a Maple Mini the following PINs should be connected: ==== === Prog MM ==== === GND GND 3V3 Vcc MOSI D22 CLK D21 ==== === If the maple mini still has the original firmware it may be necessary to press and hold the button (at least 1 s) while resetting the board, to enter DMU mode. Create the file ``openocd.cfg`` according to the programmer you are using, and then run:: openocd -f openocd.cfg telnet localhost 4444 To then write ``.elf`` to the Maple Mini use the following commands:: reset halt stm32f1x unlock 0 reset halt flash write_image erase .elf stm32f1x lock 0 reset halt With an ST-Link V2 Clone from Baite ----------------------------------- The required PINs on the ST-Link V2 Clone from Baite are as follows, with the notch on the left:: +------+ | 1 2 | 3V3 5V | 3 4 | CLK (MM 21) 5 6 | MOSI (MM 22) GND | 7 8 | | 9 10 | +------+ ``openocd.cfg`` should have the following contents:: source [find interface/stlink.cfg] source [find target/stm32f1x.cfg] With a Bus Pirate v3.6 ---------------------- ``openocd.cfg`` should have the following contents:: source [find interface/buspirate.cfg] buspirate_port /dev/ttyUSB0 buspirate_vreg 1 buspirate_mode normal transport select swd source [find target/stm32f1x.cfg] Programmin with gnuk/tool/stlinkv2.py ===================================== gnuk also provides a tool to write binaries; first the board should be unlocked with:: ./stlinkv2.py -u then reset (while pressing the button), and the flash erased:: ./stlinkv2.py -e and finally it can be written with:: ./stlinkv2.py .elf See also ======== * https://web.archive.org/web/20150502182337/http://nodonogard.blogspot.com/2014/08/writting-gnuk-binary-to-fst-01-using-st.html * https://www.earth.li/~noodles/blog/2017/02/gnuk-on-maple-mini.html * https://www.earth.li/~noodles/blog/2015/08/program-fst01-with-buspirate.html .. vim: set filetype=rst: