/* * This software is based on the LUFA library. Modifications of the * software are released under GPL but LUFA library itself is copyrigthed * by its creator Dean Camera. Refer to the license below on the usage of * LUFA library. * * Chris Boudacoff @ Olimex Ltd chris protonic co uk */ /* * LUFA Library Copyright (C) Dean Camera, 2015. * * dean [at] fourwalledcubicle [dot] com www.lufa-lib.org */ /* * Copyright 2015 Dean Camera (dean [at] fourwalledcubicle [dot] com) * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that * both that the copyright notice and this permission notice and warranty * disclaimer appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of the * author not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to * distribution of the software without specific, written prior * permission. * * The author disclaims all warranties with regard to this software, * including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness. In no * event shall the author be liable for any special, indirect or * consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of * use, data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or * other tortious action, arising out of or in connection with the use or * performance of this software. */ /** \file * * Main source file for the KeyboardMouse demo. This file contains the main tasks of * the demo and is responsible for the initial application hardware configuration. */ #include "KeyboardMouse.h" /** Magic lock for forced application start. If the HWBE fuse is programmed and BOOTRST is unprogrammed, the bootloader * will start if the /HWB line of the AVR is held low and the system is reset. However, if the /HWB line is still held * low when the application attempts to start via a watchdog reset, the bootloader will re-start. If set to the value * \ref MAGIC_BOOT_KEY the special init function \ref Application_Jump_Check() will force the application to start. */ uint16_t MagicBootKey ATTR_NO_INIT; /** Buffer to hold the previously generated Keyboard HID report, for comparison purposes inside the HID class driver. */ static uint8_t PrevKeyboardHIDReportBuffer[sizeof(USB_KeyboardReport_Data_t)]; /** Buffer to hold the previously generated Mouse HID report, for comparison purposes inside the HID class driver. */ static uint8_t PrevMouseHIDReportBuffer[sizeof(USB_WheelMouseReport_Data_t)]; int limited(int value) { if (value < 0) { if (abs(value) > speedlimit) return -speedlimit; } else { if (value > speedlimit) return speedlimit; } return value; } /** LUFA CDC Class driver interface configuration and state information. This structure is * passed to all CDC Class driver functions, so that multiple instances of the same class * within a device can be differentiated from one another. */ USB_ClassInfo_CDC_Device_t VirtualSerial_CDC_Interface = { .Config = { .ControlInterfaceNumber = INTERFACE_ID_CDC_CCI, .DataINEndpoint = { .Address = CDC_TX_EPADDR, .Size = CDC_TXRX_EPSIZE, .Banks = 1, } , .DataOUTEndpoint = { .Address = CDC_RX_EPADDR, .Size = CDC_TXRX_EPSIZE, .Banks = 1, } , .NotificationEndpoint = { .Address = CDC_NOTIFICATION_EPADDR, .Size = CDC_NOTIFICATION_EPSIZE, .Banks = 1, } , } , }; /** LUFA HID Class driver interface configuration and state information. This structure is * passed to all HID Class driver functions, so that multiple instances of the same class * within a device can be differentiated from one another. This is for the keyboard HID * interface within the device. */ USB_ClassInfo_HID_Device_t Keyboard_HID_Interface = { .Config = { .InterfaceNumber = INTERFACE_ID_Keyboard, .ReportINEndpoint = { .Address = KEYBOARD_IN_EPADDR, .Size = HID_EPSIZE, .Banks = 1, } , .PrevReportINBuffer = PrevKeyboardHIDReportBuffer, .PrevReportINBufferSize = sizeof(PrevKeyboardHIDReportBuffer), } , }; /** LUFA HID Class driver interface configuration and state information. This structure is * passed to all HID Class driver functions, so that multiple instances of the same class * within a device can be differentiated from one another. This is for the mouse HID * interface within the device. */ USB_ClassInfo_HID_Device_t Mouse_HID_Interface = { .Config = { .InterfaceNumber = INTERFACE_ID_Mouse, .ReportINEndpoint = { .Address = MOUSE_IN_EPADDR, .Size = HID_EPSIZE, .Banks = 1, } , .PrevReportINBuffer = PrevMouseHIDReportBuffer, .PrevReportINBufferSize = sizeof(PrevMouseHIDReportBuffer), } , }; void Jump_To_Bootloader(void) { // If USB is used, detach from the bus and reset it USB_Disable(); // Disable all interrupts cli(); // Wait one seconds for the USB detachment to register on the host Delay_MS(1000); // Set the bootloader key to the magic value and force a reset wdt_enable(WDTO_250MS); for (;;); } void tp_guarder(void) { tp_guard = true; tpguard = TP_LOCK; } /** Main program entry point. This routine contains the overall program flow, including initial * setup of all components and the main program loop. */ int main(void) { SetupHardware(); GlobalInterruptEnable(); for (;;) { HID_Device_USBTask(&Keyboard_HID_Interface); DDRE = 0x00; PORTE = 0xff; PORTB = 0xfd; DDRB = 0xff; HID_Device_USBTask(&Mouse_HID_Interface); /* * Must throw away unused bytes from the host, or it will lock up * while waiting for the device */ CDC_Device_ReceiveByte(&VirtualSerial_CDC_Interface); CDC_Device_USBTask(&VirtualSerial_CDC_Interface); USB_USBTask(); if ((PINE & (1 << 2)) == 0) { DDRB = 0xff; PORTB = 0xfe; Delay_MS(10); if ((PINC & (1 << 7)) == 0) { PORTB = 0xbf; Delay_MS(10); if ((PIND & (1 << 4)) == 0) Jump_To_Bootloader(); } } } } /** Configures the board hardware and chip peripherals for the demo's functionality. */ void SetupHardware() { #if (ARCH == ARCH_AVR8) /* * Disable watchdog if enabled by bootloader/fuses */ MCUSR &= ~(1 << WDRF); wdt_disable(); /* * Disable clock division */ clock_prescale_set(clock_div_1); #elif (ARCH == ARCH_XMEGA) /* * Start the PLL to multiply the 2MHz RC oscillator to 32MHz and * switch the CPU core to run from it */ XMEGACLK_StartPLL(CLOCK_SRC_INT_RC2MHZ, 2000000, F_CPU); XMEGACLK_SetCPUClockSource(CLOCK_SRC_PLL); /* * Start the 32MHz internal RC oscillator and start the DFLL to * increase it to 48MHz using the USB SOF as a reference */ XMEGACLK_StartInternalOscillator(CLOCK_SRC_INT_RC32MHZ); XMEGACLK_StartDFLL(CLOCK_SRC_INT_RC32MHZ, DFLL_REF_INT_USBSOF, F_USB); PMIC.CTRL = PMIC_LOLVLEN_bm | PMIC_MEDLVLEN_bm | PMIC_HILVLEN_bm; #endif /* * Hardware Initialization */ // Keyboard init DDRB = 0xff; PORTB = 0xff; DDRD = 0; PORTD = 0xfc; DDRC = 0; PORTC = 0xc0; DDRE = 0; PORTE = 0x44; DDRF = 0; PORTF = 0xf2; TWI_Init(TWI_BIT_PRESCALE_4, TWI_BITLENGTH_FROM_FREQ(TWI_BIT_PRESCALE_4, 100000)); ADC_Init(ADC_FREE_RUNNING | ADC_PRESCALE_128); ADCSRA |= 1 << ADIE; MCUCR = 0; EIMSK |= 1 << INT2; ADC_SetupChannel(0); ADC_StartReading(ADC_REFERENCE_AVCC | ADC_LEFT_ADJUSTED | ADC_CHANNEL0); // set timer0 counter initial value to 0 TCNT0 = 0x00; // start timer0 with /1024 prescaler TCCR0B = (1 << CS02) | (1 << CS00); TIMSK0 = 1 << TOIE0; USB_Init(); button = 0xff; } /** Event handler for the library USB Connection event. */ void EVENT_USB_Device_Connect(void) { } /** Event handler for the library USB Disconnection event. */ void EVENT_USB_Device_Disconnect(void) { } /** Event handler for the library USB Configuration Changed event. */ void EVENT_USB_Device_ConfigurationChanged(void) { bool ConfigSuccess = true; ConfigSuccess &= HID_Device_ConfigureEndpoints(&Keyboard_HID_Interface); ConfigSuccess &= HID_Device_ConfigureEndpoints(&Mouse_HID_Interface); ConfigSuccess &= CDC_Device_ConfigureEndpoints(&VirtualSerial_CDC_Interface); USB_Device_EnableSOFEvents(); } /** Event handler for the library USB Control Request reception event. */ void EVENT_USB_Device_ControlRequest(void) { HID_Device_ProcessControlRequest(&Keyboard_HID_Interface); HID_Device_ProcessControlRequest(&Mouse_HID_Interface); HID_Device_ProcessControlRequest(&Mouse_HID_Interface); } /** Event handler for the USB device Start Of Frame event. */ void EVENT_USB_Device_StartOfFrame(void) { HID_Device_MillisecondElapsed(&Keyboard_HID_Interface); HID_Device_MillisecondElapsed(&Mouse_HID_Interface); } /** CDC class driver callback function the processing of changes to the virtual * control lines sent from the host.. * * \param[in] CDCInterfaceInfo Pointer to the CDC class interface configuration structure being referenced */ void EVENT_CDC_Device_ControLineStateChanged(USB_ClassInfo_CDC_Device_t * const CDCInterfaceInfo) { /* * You can get changes to the virtual CDC lines in this callback; a * common use-case is to use the Data Terminal Ready (DTR) flag to * enable and disable CDC communications in your application when set * to avoid the application blocking while waiting for a host to * become ready and read in the pending data from the USB endpoints. */ bool HostReady = (CDCInterfaceInfo->State.ControlLineStates. HostToDevice & CDC_CONTROL_LINE_OUT_DTR) != 0; } void reset_key(USB_KeyboardReport_Data_t * report) { keyc = 0; report->Modifier = 0; for (int x = 0; x < 6; x++) report->KeyCode[x] = 0; } void add_key(USB_KeyboardReport_Data_t * report, uint8_t key) { if (key == 0) return; report->KeyCode[keyc] = key; if (keyc < 5) keyc++; } /** HID class driver callback function for the creation of HID reports to the host. * * \param[in] HIDInterfaceInfo Pointer to the HID class interface configuration structure being referenced * \param[in,out] ReportID Report ID requested by the host if non-zero, otherwise callback should set to the generated report ID * \param[in] ReportType Type of the report to create, either HID_REPORT_ITEM_In or HID_REPORT_ITEM_Feature * \param[out] ReportData Pointer to a buffer where the created report should be stored * \param[out] ReportSize Number of bytes written in the report (or zero if no report is to be sent) * * \return Boolean \c true to force the sending of the report, \c false to let the library determine if it needs to be sent */ bool CALLBACK_HID_Device_CreateHIDReport(USB_ClassInfo_HID_Device_t * const HIDInterfaceInfo, uint8_t * const ReportID, const uint8_t ReportType, void *ReportData, uint16_t * const ReportSize) { /* * Determine which interface must have its report generated */ if (HIDInterfaceInfo == &Keyboard_HID_Interface) { USB_KeyboardReport_Data_t *KeyboardReport = (USB_KeyboardReport_Data_t *) ReportData; uint8_t x = 0; uint8_t fn = 0; reset_key(KeyboardReport); if (itsDone) { itsDone = false; } DDRE = 0; DDRF = 0; DDRC = 0; DDRD = 0; PORTD = 0xfc; PORTE = 0xFF; PORTF = 0xFF; PORTC = 0xFF; DDRB = 0xff; for (colmn = 0; colmn < 8; colmn++) { // y ? uint8_t keynow = 0; // that's crazy... here we set d4=1 (x14-15) and then read // from port B (y0..y7) // even if we are supposed to set Y0 and then read along X if (colmn == 0) { cli(); DDRB = 0x00; // all input PORTB = 0x00; // pull up off DDRD = (1 << 4); // d4 output PORTD = (1 << 4); // d4 = 1 -> x14-15 Delay_MS(2); if (PINB & 0x40) { // b6(y6) == 1 -> Fn Key fn = 112; // tp_guarder(); if (PINB & 0x01) { add_key(KeyboardReport, HID_KEYBOARD_SC_PAGE_UP); } if (PINB & 0x02) { KeyboardReport->Modifier |= HID_KEYBOARD_MODIFIER_LEFTSHIFT; add_key(KeyboardReport, HID_KEYBOARD_SC_LEFT_SHIFT); } if (PINB & 0x20) { add_key(KeyboardReport, HID_KEYBOARD_SC_HOME); } if (PINB & 0x80) { KeyboardReport->Modifier |= HID_KEYBOARD_MODIFIER_RIGHTSHIFT; add_key(KeyboardReport, HID_KEYBOARD_SC_RIGHT_SHIFT); } } else { if (PINB & 0x01) { add_key(KeyboardReport, HID_KEYBOARD_SC_UP_ARROW); } if (PINB & 0x02) { KeyboardReport->Modifier |= HID_KEYBOARD_MODIFIER_LEFTSHIFT; add_key(KeyboardReport, HID_KEYBOARD_SC_LEFT_SHIFT); } if (PINB & 0x20) { add_key(KeyboardReport, HID_KEYBOARD_SC_LEFT_ARROW); } if (PINB & 0x80) { KeyboardReport->Modifier |= HID_KEYBOARD_MODIFIER_RIGHTSHIFT; add_key(KeyboardReport, HID_KEYBOARD_SC_RIGHT_SHIFT); } } #if 0 // x0 DDRD = (1 << 6); // d6 output (x0) PORTD = (1 << 6); // d6 =1 DDRB = 0x00; // input PORTB = 0x00; // no pullup Delay_MS(2); if (PINB & 0x10) { KeyboardReport->Modifier |= HID_KEYBOARD_MODIFIER_RIGHTCTRL; add_key(KeyboardReport, HID_KEYBOARD_SC_RIGHT_CONTROL); } if (PINB & 0x40) { KeyboardReport->Modifier |= HID_KEYBOARD_MODIFIER_LEFTCTRL; add_key(KeyboardReport, HID_KEYBOARD_SC_LEFT_CONTROL); } if (PINB & 0x08) { if (fn == 112) add_key(KeyboardReport, HID_KEYBOARD_SC_VOLUME_UP); else add_key(KeyboardReport, HID_KEYBOARD_SC_F5); } #endif PORTB = rowY[colmn]; DDRB = 0xff; DDRD = 0; PORTD = 0xfc; Delay_MS(3); sei(); } // if colmn==0 PORTB = rowY[colmn]; while (PINB != rowY[colmn]); x = 0; if ((PIND & (1 << 6)) == 0) { // tp_guarder(); keynow = keys[colmn * 14 + x + fn]; KeyboardReport->Modifier |= keym[colmn * 14 + x]; add_key(KeyboardReport, keynow); } x = 1; // 1 if ((PINC & (1 << 7)) == 0) { // tp_guarder(); keynow = keys[colmn * 14 + x + fn]; KeyboardReport->Modifier |= keym[colmn * 14 + x]; add_key(KeyboardReport, keynow); } x++; // 2 if ((PINC & (1 << 6)) == 0) { // tp_guarder(); keynow = keys[colmn * 14 + x + fn]; KeyboardReport->Modifier |= keym[colmn * 14 + x]; add_key(KeyboardReport, keynow); } x++; // 3 if ((PIND & (1 << 7)) == 0) { // tp_guarder(); keynow = keys[colmn * 14 + x + fn]; KeyboardReport->Modifier |= keym[colmn * 14 + x]; if (keynow == HID_KEY_LOCK_TOUCHPAD) { TouchPadLocked = !TouchPadLocked; while ((PIND & (1 << 7)) == 0); } add_key(KeyboardReport, keynow); } x++; // 4 // Delay_MS(5); if ((PIND & (1 << 3)) == 0) { // tp_guarder(); keynow = keys[colmn * 14 + x + fn]; KeyboardReport->Modifier |= keym[colmn * 14 + x]; add_key(KeyboardReport, keynow); } x++; // 5 if ((PINF & (1 << 1)) == 0) { // tp_guarder(); keynow = keys[colmn * 14 + x + fn]; KeyboardReport->Modifier |= keym[colmn * 14 + x]; add_key(KeyboardReport, keynow); } x++; // 6 if ((PINF & (1 << 6)) == 0) { // tp_guarder(); keynow = keys[colmn * 14 + x + fn]; KeyboardReport->Modifier |= keym[colmn * 14 + x]; add_key(KeyboardReport, keynow); } x++; // 7 if ((PINE & (1 << 6)) == 0) { // tp_guarder(); keynow = keys[colmn * 14 + x + fn]; KeyboardReport->Modifier |= keym[colmn * 14 + x]; add_key(KeyboardReport, keynow); } x++; // 8 if ((PINF & (1 << 4)) == 0) { // tp_guarder(); keynow = keys[colmn * 14 + x + fn]; KeyboardReport->Modifier |= keym[colmn * 14 + x]; add_key(KeyboardReport, keynow); } x++; // 9 if ((PIND & (1 << 5)) == 0) { // tp_guarder(); keynow = keys[colmn * 14 + x + fn]; KeyboardReport->Modifier |= keym[colmn * 14 + x]; add_key(KeyboardReport, keynow); } x++; // 10 if ((PINF & (1 << 5)) == 0) { // tp_guarder(); keynow = keys[colmn * 14 + x + fn]; KeyboardReport->Modifier |= keym[colmn * 14 + x]; add_key(KeyboardReport, keynow); } x++; // 11 if ((PINF & (1 << 7)) == 0) { // tp_guarder(); keynow = keys[colmn * 14 + x + fn]; KeyboardReport->Modifier |= keym[colmn * 14 + x]; add_key(KeyboardReport, keynow); } x++; // 12 if ((PINE & (1 << 2)) == 0) { // tp_guarder(); keynow = keys[colmn * 14 + x + fn]; KeyboardReport->Modifier |= keym[colmn * 14 + x]; add_key(KeyboardReport, keynow); } DDRD = 0; PORTD = 0xfc; } if ((KeyboardReport->Modifier == 0) && (keyc != 0)) tp_guarder(); *ReportSize = sizeof(USB_KeyboardReport_Data_t); return true; // return false; } if (HIDInterfaceInfo == &Mouse_HID_Interface) { USB_WheelMouseReport_Data_t *MouseReport = (USB_WheelMouseReport_Data_t *) ReportData; MR_Y = 0; MR_X = 0; MR_W = 0; MR_B |= mouse; // (1 << 0); // cli(); if (ActionSend) { uint16_t posx1 = tpdata[3] << 8 | tpdata[4]; uint16_t posy1 = tpdata[5] << 8 | tpdata[6]; switch (tpdata[2]) { case 0: if (lastfingers != 0) { if (time_zero > PRETAP) { if (time_pressed < CLICK_MS) { if (abs(startposX + startposY - posx1 - posy1) < 10) { if (time_two != 0) MR_B_REQ = MOUSE_RIGTH; else MR_B_REQ = MOUSE_LEFT; } } } time_zero = 0; } speedlimit = 0; lastposX = 0; lastposY = 0; break; case 1: touch_to = TOUCH_TO; switch (lastfingers) { case 0: presstime = CLICK_MS; speedlimit = 0; break; case 1: if (lastposX != 0) { MR_X = limited(posx1 - lastposX); MR_Y = limited(posy1 - lastposY); } break; case 2: speedlimit = 0; break; default: break; } if (lastfingers != 1) { time_one = 0; startposX = posx1; startposY = posy1; lastfingers = 1; } lastposX = posx1; lastposY = posy1; if (speedlimit != 0x80) speedlimit += 0x04; break; case 2: if (lastfingers == 0) touch_to = TOUCH_TO; if (lastfingers == 2) { if (lastposY > posy1 + DRAG_HYST) MR_W = WHEEL; else if (lastposY + DRAG_HYST < posy1) MR_W = -WHEEL; if (MR_W != 0) time_zero = 0; presstime = 0; } else { time_two = 0; startposX = posx1; startposY = posy1; lastfingers = 2; } lastposX = posx1; lastposY = posy1; break; default: lastposX = 0; lastposY = 0; break; } lastfingers = tpdata[2]; ActionSend = false; itsDone = true; } MouseReport->Y = MR_Y; MouseReport->X = MR_X; MouseReport->Button = MR_B; MouseReport->Wheel = MR_W; MR_B = 0; *ReportSize = sizeof(USB_WheelMouseReport_Data_t); return true; } return false; } /** HID class driver callback function for the processing of HID reports from the host. * * \param[in] HIDInterfaceInfo Pointer to the HID class interface configuration structure being referenced * \param[in] ReportID Report ID of the received report from the host * \param[in] ReportType The type of report that the host has sent, either HID_REPORT_ITEM_Out or HID_REPORT_ITEM_Feature * \param[in] ReportData Pointer to a buffer where the received report has been stored * \param[in] ReportSize Size in bytes of the received HID report */ void CALLBACK_HID_Device_ProcessHIDReport(USB_ClassInfo_HID_Device_t * const HIDInterfaceInfo, const uint8_t ReportID, const uint8_t ReportType, const void *ReportData, const uint16_t ReportSize) { if (HIDInterfaceInfo == &Keyboard_HID_Interface) { } } ISR(ADC_vect) { ADCSRA |= (1 << ADIF); button = ADCH; if (button == oldbutton) { if (button < 0xe8) { if (button > 0xa0) mouse = MOUSE_RIGTH; else if (button > 0x80) mouse = MOUSE_LEFT; else mouse = MOUSE_MIDDLE; } else mouse = 0; } else oldbutton = button; mouse = 0; // temporary fix: disable button } ISR(INT2_vect) { #if 1 if (TWI_StartTransmission(0x48 | TWI_ADDRESS_WRITE, 10) == TWI_ERROR_NoError) { TWI_SendByte(0x00); TWI_StopTransmission(); if (TWI_StartTransmission(0x48 | TWI_ADDRESS_READ, 10) == TWI_ERROR_NoError) { // Read some bytes, acknowledge after the last byte is // received???? for (int s = 0; s < 0x06; s++) TWI_ReceiveByte(&tpdata[s], false); TWI_ReceiveByte(&tpdata[0x06], true); } } // Must stop transmission afterwards to release the bus TWI_StopTransmission(); if ((!TouchPadLocked) && (!tp_guard)) ActionSend = true; #endif } // timer0 overflow ~60hz ISR(TIMER0_OVF_vect) { #if 1 if (TWI_StartTransmission(0x48 | TWI_ADDRESS_WRITE, 10) == TWI_ERROR_NoError) { TWI_SendByte(0x00); TWI_StopTransmission(); if (TWI_StartTransmission(0x48 | TWI_ADDRESS_READ, 10) == TWI_ERROR_NoError) { // Read some bytes, acknowledge after the last byte is // received???? for (int s = 0; s < 0x06; s++) TWI_ReceiveByte(&tpdata[s], false); TWI_ReceiveByte(&tpdata[0x06], true); } } // Must stop transmission afterwards to release the bus TWI_StopTransmission(); if ((!TouchPadLocked) && (!tp_guard) && (tpdata[0] != 0)) ActionSend = true; #endif if ((time_zero != 0xff) && (tpdata[2] == 0)) time_zero++; if (time_zero == TOUCH_TO) { #if TAP_ENABLED MR_B = MR_B_REQ; MR_B_REQ = 0; #endif time_one = 0; time_two = 0; time_pressed = 0; } if ((time_one != 0xff) && (tpdata[2] == 1)) time_one++; if ((time_two != 0xff) && (tpdata[2] == 2)) time_two++; if (ticks != 0) ticks--; if (dragtime != 0) dragtime--; if (presstime != 0) presstime--; if (tpguard != 0) tpguard--; if (tpguard == 1) tp_guard = false; if (touch_to != 0) touch_to--; if (touch_to == 1) { tap_enabled = true; lastposX = 0; lastposY = 0; drag = false; if (presstime != 0) ActionSend = true; else lastfingers = 0; } }