============================= Caramelle dagli sconosciuti ============================= ------------------------------------- Ed altri buoni motivi per usare apt ------------------------------------- Sconosciuti che offrono caramelle --------------------------------- La saga di npm -------------- :: leftPad = require('left-pad') leftPad('foo', 5) Okkupazione degli errori di battitura ------------------------------------- ``http://incolumitas.com/2016/06/08/typosquatting-package-managers/`` In this blog post I will show how: * **17000 computers** were forced to execute arbitrary code by typosquatting programming language packages/libraries * **50%** of these installations were conducted with administrative rights * Even highly security aware institutions (**.gov and .mil hosts**) fell victim to this attack * a typosquatting attack becomes **wormable** by mining the **command history data** of hosts * some good *defenses* against typosquatting package managers might look like Parentesi: rpm, yum ed altre varianti ------------------------------------- Apt --- Those who don't know apt are forced to reimplement it. badly. Questions? ---------- [insert obligatory cat]