
Threading ribbon through a long casing with electrician fish tape

A cheap nylon electrician fish tape (the kind sold without a spool) can
be useful to thread ribbon or elastic through a long casing, such as one
where a garment is gathered (e.g. at the neckline or waistline).

Get the shortest length you can find (I'd recommend buying a new one
rather than trying to clean an used one which is more likely to stain
garments), and cut a lenght of about 2-3 m from one end: longer lenghts
are unwieldy and won't probably be needed for most garments.

.. tip:: the remaining tape can be used e.g. as stiffening at the hem of a

.. figure:: 0101-threaded_fish_tape.jpg
   :align: center

To use, take the uncut end, with the metal loop and thread it through
the casing.

.. figure:: 0102-elastic_in_loop.jpg
   :align: center

Then pass the elastic or ribbon through the metal loop, leaving quite a
bit of overlap.

.. figure:: 0103-pulling_elastic.jpg
   :align: center

And finally, pull the fish tape from the other side, threading the
elastic through the casing.