Margaret J. Blair's System of Sewing and Garment Drafting.

This section follows :cite:`1904:blair` and :cite:`1897:blair`.

All measurements have been converted to metric.


The blocks have been converted to metric measures.

All measurements should be taken on top of basic underwear, including a
corset, following the instructions given by the book.

The file :download:`blair.vit` include all the measurements used in
these blocks and the patterns derived from them.

Instructions on how to take these measurements start from page 69 of
:cite:`1904:blair`, from which the following illustration is taken, and
page 11 of :cite:`1897:blair`..

.. figure:: measurements.png
   :align: center

| Blair's              | Valentina                                          |
| 1 Neck               | G02 | ``neck_circ``                                |
| 2 Bust               | G04 | ``bust_circ``                                |
| 3 Waist              | G07 | ``waist_circ``                               |
| 4 Front              | O01 | ``neck_back_to_waist_front``                 |
| 5 Length of Back     | H19 | ``neck_back_to_waist_b``                     |
| 6 Back Balance       | K04 | ``shoulder_tip_to_waist_back``               |
| 7 Under Arm          | H03 | ``armpit_to_waist_side``                     |
| 8 Chest              | I03 | ``across_chest_f``                           |
| 9 Width of Back      | I08 | ``across_back_b``                            |
| 10 Shoulder          | I01 | ``shoulder_length``                          |
| 11 Arm's Eye         | L11 | ``arm_upper_circ``                           |
| 12 Shoulder to Hand  | L01 | ``arm_shoulder_tip_to_wrist_bent``           |
| 13 Shoulder to Elbow | L02 | ``arm_shoulder_tip_to_elbow_bent``           |
| 14 Outside Arm's…    |     | ``outside_arm_to_elbow``                     |
| 15 Inside Arm's…     |     | ``inside_arm_to_elbow``                      |
| 16 Elbow             | L04 | ``arm_elbow_circ_bent``                      |
| 17 Hip               | G09 | ``hip_circ``                                 |
| Dart No. 1           | H10 | ``bust_to_waist_f``                          |
| Hand Measure         | D05 | ``hand_circ``                                |
| Inside Arm           | L08 | ``arm_armpit_to_wrist``                      |
| Drawers Length       | M14 | ``leg_waist_side_to_knee``                   |
