@Book{1898:household author = {Bertha Banner}, title = {Household Sewing with Home Dressmaking}, publisher = {Longmans, Green, and co.}, year = {1898}, url = "https://archive.org/details/householdsewing00banngoog", note = "" } @Book{1840:workwoman author = {Workwoman}, title = {The workwoman's guide, containing instructions in cutting out and completing articles of wearing}, publisher = {}, year = {1840}, url = "https://archive.org/details/workwomansguide00workgoog", } @Book{1896:elements author = {Davis, Jeanette E}, title = {The elements of modern dressmaking for the amateur and professional dressmaker : being also a handbook for the use of students and for candidates preparing for the examinations in dressmaking under the City and Guilds of London Institute}, publisher = {}, year = {1896}, url = "https://archive.org/details/krl00001156", } @Book{2019:pocket author = {Barbara Burman and Ariane Fennetaux}, title = {The Pocket — A Hidden History of Women's Lives}, publisher = {Yale University Press}, year = {2019}, url = "https://openlibrary.org/books/OL29481979M/Pocket", } @Book{1916:school author = {Burton, Ida Robinson and Burton, Myron Garfield}, title = {School sewing based on home problems}, publisher = {Muncie, Ind., Vocational Supply Company}, year = {1916}, url = "https://archive.org/details/schoolsewingbase00burt", } @Book{1892:home author = {Myers, Annie E}, title = {Home dressmaking; a complete guide to household sewing}, publisher = {Chicago, C.H. Sergel & company}, year = {1892}, url = "https://archive.org/details/homedressmakingc00myer", } @Book{1879:beeton author = {Beeton}, title = {Beeton's housewife's treasury of domestic information}, publisher = {London ; New York : Ward, Lock & Co., Warwick House, Salisbury Square, E.C.}, year = {1979}, url = "https://archive.org/details/gri_33125012088023/", } @Book{1840:godey author = {Godey}, title = {Godey's lady's book}, publisher = {L.A. Godey}, year = {1840}, url = "https://archive.org/details/godeysladysboo00phil", }