tag namev0.9.0 (85e5e2095a30c607e617b6716755bbd49b725c19)
tag date2021-12-24 10:45:35 +0100
tagged byElena ``of Valhalla'' Grandi <>
tagged objectcommit d330ae9d29...
Version 0.9.0
* New data type: geo (for Geo URIs). * New custom filter for templates: to_yaml. * git hook to update the lesana cache when files are changed by git. This hook is installed when running ``lesana init``; you may want to add it to existing repositories by running ``lesana init`` on them (this is safe to do and won't change your settings or your data). * New command: get-values to get a list of values for a field. #6 * lesana-search now defaults to a query of ``'*'``. This means that ``lesana search --all`` is now enough to list all entries, while ``lesana search`` with no other options will list the first 12 entries (possibly according to a default sorting setting). * New collection example: ticket_tracker. * Add support for bash autocompletion via argcomplete, if installed. * Add support for the ``values`` property in the settings, to limit the contents of a field. * New property ``precision`` for ``decimal`` fields, to force rounding values to that number of decimal digits. * New settings property ``search_aliases`` with a dict of values to be filled in in a jinja2 template for a search query. * New experimental script openlibrary2lesana to search for book data on openlibrary and pre-fill a lesana entry. Bugfixes -------- * date fields are now parsed and loaded as date, not datetime. * help strings are added as comments with just one #, not two. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQEzBAABCAAdFiEEY8n6rGg5PpTPkl4ZcL0i0xEjtDEFAmHFluEACgkQcL0i0xEj tDG67wf/f5w7izuibTaPyBSofSS4gxavesP90+At2niHxjm2qfAYj6uKJEkhXsAr 9QixSg44wrTyu/uZ7HJLRRnDuECvUXmkJ02A6JJGt3Fypk6gpnxuUUNC3bZSVxLY 1VqTDEhxJ659+D+vP24nhO3Zq1PxNQA+SIjMsQyr7Avu4Q8uu0nDtiatNGg9MqcY ZPJQStD6+PQ8D9X8zMNVniFZCpMFF7RQadiBKT8aOXztmUbSA7bVQ2Tz8eZHjEIJ AyDliEphmhFPta88D+guF3T2QS9PD91VQC7HIUYSMOgX2Njuc4SLkxSGiAqXiPYu UvkwLq5Y3KPzPvnw8E+C5HgJLs445g== =3bcP -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----